Election Day is Nov. 7
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters can register to vote at their polling place. Find your polling place and sample ballot at mnvotes.org.
Return your ballot on Election Day
On Election Day, Nov. 7, the only place you may return your absentee ballot in person is to our Elections Office - Plato Building by 8 p.m.
If you haven’t returned your absentee ballot, you can vote in person at your polling place. Your absentee ballot will be spoiled (made invalid) and you will be issued a new ballot to cast at the polling place.
Track your ballot
You can track your ballot to know when your ballot has been mailed to you, received by the Elections Office and counted. Statuses are updated daily. If you have questions, please call 651-266-2171 or email elections@ramseycounty.us.
Initial unofficial results will be posted on the secretary of state's website after polls close on Tuesday, Nov. 7.
Learn more about compiling results on election night