November 2023
Our Vision: We work together to create a community where homelessness is rare, brief, and nonrecurring, where we eliminate racial disparities, and everyone is housed.
In September, Heading Home Ramsey held its bi-annual full Continuum of Care meeting at the Metro Square in Downtown Saint Paul. The Governing Board, Steering Committee, Youth Advisory Board members, local organization representatives and community guests engaged in an impactful day of training, information sessions and dialogue. Attendees expressed joy in being able to connect with one another in-person and hear from nonprofit organizations and city partners. Several attendees showed great interest in the Coordinated Entry and Supportive Housing Sessions. In a follow-up survey, attendees shared a desire to extend such information sessions in the form of additional dialogue and/or training opportunities.
Pictured from left to right: Shiloh Keleekai, Vice President of Heading Home Ramsey's Youth Advisory Board, Keith Lattimore, Director of Ramsey County Housing Stability, Trell Armstrong, President of Heading Home Ramsey's Youth Advisory Board, and Trista Martinson, Ramsey County Commissioner and Heading Home Ramsey Governing Board Chair.
The Listening House new facility is now open! Its located at at 421 E. 7th St. in Saint Paul, replacing the old Red Savoy’s Pizza. The new space will help Listening House further their unique mission as a daytime shelter offering meals, hospitality and community resources for persons experiencing homelessness. New Listening House hours are 12 – 8 p.m., Wednesday to Sunday.
Find volunteer opportunities
You are invited to participate in upcoming training opportunities. For general training inquiries, please email Jartue McCoy.
Best Practices for Serving Victim-Survivors
Nov. 30 | 10:30 a.m. - noon | Virtual
Register Here
This training will be facilitated by Women's Advocates. It will be most valuable for Coordinated Entry Assessors and direct service staff in housing programs, but we encourage everyone to attend.
All Coordinated Entry participating agencies are required to send one at least one representative.
Please email Alyssa Keil with any questions.
Recovery Coaching: A Harm Reduction Pathway
Dec. 6- 8, | 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. | Hinckley Community Center
Register Here
The cost to attend this event is $50.
This training is facilitated by Erin Fitzgerald from Minnesota Recovery Connection. This training is great for:
- Certified Peer Recovery Specialists
- Counselors
- Therapists
- Social Workers
- EMS Workers
Please email Erin Fitzgerald with any questions.
Ramsey County Coordinated Entry New Assessor/Educational Training (Required for New Assessors)
Dec. 7 | 1 - 4 p.m. | Virtual
If you are interested in registering for this training, please email Heather Clemen and include:
- The name(s) of the individual(s) planning to attend
- The email address for each individual
- In the email, indicate if attendance for each individual registering will be to start the process to become a certified assessor for Ramsey County Coordinated Entry or for education only purposes.
This training is mandated for new assessors to be certified in Ramsey County. It is also intended for educational purposes (for agencies to become a future assessing agency). You can find out about eligibility requirements for CE. Additionally, persons interested in learning what information is important to consider when determining client eligibility for the Ramsey County Coordinated Entry System are also welcome to register.
Housing First 101 Overview Training
Jan. 16, 2024 | 1 - 3 p.m. | Virtual
This training is facilitated by Matthew Leslie, HUD's Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC).
This training takes place during the bi-annual Coordinated Entry System (CES) meeting for all representative agencies (meeting invites have been sent). This is required for Coordinated Entry providers.
Recovery Coaching: A Harm Reduction Pathway
Jan. 17-19, 2024 | 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. | Virtual
Register Here
The cost to attend this event is $50.
This training is facilitated by Erin Fitzgerald from Minnesota Recovery Connection. This training is great for:
- Certified Peer Recovery Specialists
- Counselors
- Therapists
- Social Workers
- EMS Workers
Please email Erin Fitzgerald with any questions.
Housing First 101 Overview Training
Jan. 23, 2024 | 9 - 11 a.m. | Virtual
Register Here
This training is facilitated by Matthew Leslie, HUD's Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC).
This training is intended for any provider that is not available on January 16th and is open to all Heading Home Ramsey Steering Committee members, Governing Board members and workgroup participants.
 As a community collaborative to end homelessness in Ramsey County, it is critical that Heading Home Ramsey is representative of the community we serve.
To help inform our 2023 Collaborative Application for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)'s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), we conducted a voluntary demographical survey that shows representation of our Governing Board, Steering Committee and planning staff in the Housing Stability Department and found the following:
20% of those responding identified as a person with the lived experience of homelessness.
39% identified as BIPOC.
23% identified as a member of the LGBTQIA community.
- 19% identified as a person with a disability.
This is just one way in which we can use data to measure and ensure that our Continuum of Care is person-centered and responsive to community needs.
Open 6 p.m. to 9 a.m. daily | through March 31, 2024.
Saint Paul Opportunity Center 422 Dorothy Day Place For single adults and couples
Central Baptist Church 420 N. Roy Street For families and youth ages 14-24 Opens Dec. 4
If you are in need of, or would like to refer someone to a place to warm-up overnight, call 651-266-1050 or email ColdWeatherReferrals@ramseycounty.us. Ramsey County staff are available from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. to help refer people to the nearest warming space or extra available shelter beds.
Transportation to and from warming space locations is also provided.
Visit ramseycounty.us/WarmingSpaces for detailed information.
Please note: Youth ages 14-24 should go to Saint Paul Opportunity Center until Central Baptist Church opens Dec. 4.
Interested in being a voice for youth with a lived experience of homelessness and making a difference? Apply today to be a part of Heading Home Ramsey's Youth Advisory Board!
Begin application
During the COVID-19 pandemic people did not have to renew their Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare. Now that the pandemic has ended, most people will be required to renew their health insurance regularly.
Renewals take place on the anniversary month of the enrollee’s original application for coverage. Those who need to renew will receive their renewal packet 60 days before it is due. Residents can make sure they are ready to renew their Medical Assistance on time and avoid losing health care coverage by visiting the Department of Human Services' website to:
For program information, call 651-266-4444, Toll free: 1-833-956-0693