Ramsey County Manager Ryan O’Connor has proposed a 2024-25 budget of $813,395,192 in 2024 and $841,793,172 in 2025 to the board of commissioners.
Residents, businesses and other stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the supplemental budget. The first public hearing was on Sept. 19. The second public hearing will be held on Dec. 6 at the Maplewood Community Center.
Learn more and sign up to speak at the public hearing at ramseycounty.us/Budget.
The second half of 2023 property tax payments are due Monday, Oct. 16. Payment can be made online, by mail, in person or at a payment drop box.
Learn about payment options
Property tax refund
If you're a homeowner or renter in Ramsey County, you may qualify for one or more property tax refunds from the State of Minnesota. Visit the Department of Revenue property tax refund page for details and a full list of refund programs.
Anyone eligible to vote in Ramsey County may cast their absentee ballot before the Nov. 7 general election. Voters can cast their ballot through Nov. 6.
Voting by mail is easy and convenient. Complete the online request form to have an absentee ballot mailed to your home. You may also return your completed ballot by mail or in person at a ballot return site.
More information at ramseycounty.us/VoteBeforeElectionDay.
Transforming Systems Together is looking for nine community members to help transform how the county provides community corrections and mental health services. Community members will earn $50 per hour and serve one-year terms beginning in January 2024.
Students and people from racially and ethnically diverse communities are encouraged to apply.
Learn more and apply by Oct. 31: ramseycounty.us/TSTCommunityMember
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against potentially serious illness this fall and winter. Updated COVID-19 vaccine is available at some pharmacies, health care providers and clinics, with more to come. Find a COVID-19 vaccine at vaccines.gov.
Public Health Presents COVID-19, flu, RSV information
Learn more about the updated vaccine, the recent spike in COVID-19 nationally and other common respiratory diseases this time of year. Public Health’s Dr. Lynne Ogawa and Laura Andersen will present information and answer questions at this free, online presentation on Oct. 25.
More free, at-home COVID-19 tests are available
Testing is an important way to keep COVID-19 from spreading. Free, at-home COVID-19 tests for residential households are now available.
Order free at-home test kits from the federal government Order free at-home test kits from the state
Need help placing an order from the state? Call the Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 hotline at 1-833-431-2053.
 If you are on Medical Assistance, you may need to renew your health insurance. Get prepared by using the Department of Human Services’ new renewal lookup tool to know your renewal month and when to watch the mail for your paperwork.
For in-person assistance, residents can attend the upcoming Medical Assistance Renewal Clinic on Thursday, Oct. 12.
Yog koj tau Medical Assistance, koj yuav tsum npaj rov thov dua koj daim ntawd kho mob. Yeej meem npaj siv Department of Human Services kev tshawb fawb tshiab kom tau lub hli koj yuav tsum rov thov koj nraim ntawd kho mob dua, raws nws lub hli yuav tau thov dua. Saib ntsoov nej cov ntaub ntawd tuaj rau nej thiaj li tsis nrhau lub caij yuav thov dua.
Si usted recibe Asistencia Médica, puede que necesite renovar su seguro médico. Prepárese para su renovación usando la nueva herramienta del Departamento de Servicios Humanos para saber su mes de renovación y cuando esperar el papeleo.
Hadii aad haysatid Caafimaadka Medical Assistance waxaad Ubaahan doontaa in aad cusboonay siiso. Waaxada adeegyad ada aadanah sida aad u ogaan kartid waqtiga, ama bisha la cusboonay siinaayo.
It's that time of the year when our free yard waste sites are at their busiest. Please read these tips to avoid a long wait before you visit to dispose of leaves, plant material and other yard waste.
If you’re celebrating Halloween, don’t throw pumpkins in the trash afterwards. Instead, bring pumpkins without candles, paint, glitter or other decorations to a free yard waste collection site and place them in the leaf pile Please do not place them in the food scraps collection bins.
View locations and hours of free yard waste sites
Looking for a new way to make a difference this holiday season? Provide small gifts and a holiday meal for an individual or family receiving Ramsey County Social Services who needs extra help. Lear more at ramseycounty.us/HolidaySponsorship.
SOS Sexual Violence Services of Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health is looking for volunteers to staff the 24-hour crisis line, provide medical support at hospitals in the county and facilitate support groups.
Public Health provides free, extensive training to volunteers.
Learn more and join the next training
Interested in or new to property development? Ramsey County is offering up to $25,000 to investigate and assess the environmental condition of a local housing, commercial or mixed-use development project.
Learn more about site assessment grants
It’s not too early to book space at one of our arenas for your spring or summer party, community meeting or special event! We have several arenas with spaces to rent year-round. Whether you are looking for an indoor site for a concert, trade show or recreation league, or want to rent the parking lot for a market, we have the perfect spot.
Visit ramseycounty.us/EventSpace for more information.
Parks & Recreation is conducting controlled archery deer hunts at eight park, trail and open space locations on select dates in October, November and December.
Please do not enter these areas during active hunt days.
View dates and locations of controlled archery deer hunts
The grand reopening for the library in Maplewood is Nov. 4. With the reopening, the temporary extended hours at the library locations in North St. Paul and White Bear Lake will end on Oct. 22.
The temporary library location in the Maplewood Mall will end operation Oct. 27.
Workforce Development Month Read at the Sept. 5 board of commissioners meeting.
Healthy Aging Month Read at the Sept. 19 board of commissioners meeting.
Hispanic Heritage Month Read at the Sept. 26 board of commissioners meeting.
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Oct. 3, 10, 17 and 24.
Criminal Law Clinic Thursday, Oct. 5 and 19.
Mobile Household Hazardous Waste Collection Fridays, Oct. 6, 13, 20 and 27. Saturdays, Oct. 7, 14, 21 and 28.
Youth Works! Orientation Wednesday, Oct. 11.
Medical Assistance Renewal Clinic Thursday, Oct. 12.
Criminal Expungement Forms Clinic Thursday, Oct. 26.
Fix-It Clinic Saturday, Oct. 28.
Rice Creek Commons Community Event Wednesday, Nov. 1.