Ramsey County Manager Ryan O’Connor has proposed a 2024-25 budget of $813,395,192 in 2024 and $841,793,172 in 2025 to the board of commissioners.
Residents, businesses and other stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the budget at a public hearing:
- First public hearing: Sept. 19, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
- Second public hearing: November or December 2023. Date, time and venue to be determined later this fall.
Learn more about the budget and sign up to speak at the public hearing
September is National Preparedness Month. This year’s national theme will focus on preparing older adults for disaster, specifically older adults from communities that are disproportionally impacted by the all-hazard events, which continue to threaten the nation.
Review safety tips and get tools to plan for emergencies
Come learn about the history of Saint Paul City Hall - Ramsey County Courthouse or Union Depot during an hour-long guided tour. Tours are free to attend and reservations are not required.
View upcoming dates and learn more
Virtual tours available now
If you're unable to come to Saint Paul, take a virtual 360-degree tour of Union Depot and Saint Paul City Hall - Ramsey County Courthouse. Points of interest and educational information are marked throughout the experience.
Begin a virtual tour
 If you are on Medical Assistance, you may need to renew your health insurance. Get prepared by using the Department of Human Services’ new renewal lookup tool to know your renewal month and when to watch the mail for your paperwork.
Yog koj tau Medical Assistance, koj yuav tsum npaj rov thov dua koj daim ntawd kho mob. Yeej meem npaj siv Department of Human Services kev tshawb fawb tshiab kom tau lub hli koj yuav tsum rov thov koj nraim ntawd kho mob dua, raws nws lub hli yuav tau thov dua. Saib ntsoov nej cov ntaub ntawd tuaj rau nej thiaj li tsis nrhau lub caij yuav thov dua.
Si usted recibe Asistencia Médica, puede que necesite renovar su seguro médico. Prepárese para su renovación usando la nueva herramienta del Departamento de Servicios Humanos para saber su mes de renovación y cuando esperar el papeleo.
Hadii aad haysatid Caafimaadka Medical Assistance waxaad Ubaahan doontaa in aad cusboonay siiso. Waaxada adeegyad ada aadanah sida aad u ogaan kartid waqtiga, ama bisha la cusboonay siinaayo.
Ramsey County is offering technical assistance for a funding opportunity exclusively for emerging and diverse developers who own between zero and five housing properties.
Available funding could help support the acquisition, rehabilitation and construction of affordable housing units. Get the support you need to move your project to the next level!
Funding applications open through Oct. 31
Keller Golf Course to complete bunker playability improvements this fall
Beginning Oct. 2, crews at Keller Golf Course in Maplewood will begin cleaning out bunkers to replace the liners and add new sand. The work will be completed by Nov. 10.
This is the last project in a multi-year plan to improve play and keep Keller as one of the top courses in the state.
Tickets available for Tamarack Trick or Treat
Bring your favorite little gremlin to a Halloween party on Oct. 28 designed just for them. This low-key, non-spooky event includes games, old fashioned hand-pressed cider and close encounters with live animals. Friendly, costumed characters hand out treats along our paved prairie loop trail.
Registration is required for this popular event
Mai Xiong Vang receives employee achievement award Presented at the Aug. 1 board of commissioners meeting
Breastfeeding Awareness Month Read at the Aug. 8 board meeting.
Adult and Children’s Crisis, Embedded Social Work and Crisis Stabilization team receives employee achievement award Presented at the Aug. 15 board meeting.
Nikki Newman receives employee achievement award Presented at the Aug. 15 board meeting.
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Sept. 5, 19 and 26.
Mobile Household Hazardous Waste Collection Fridays, Sept. 8, 15, 22 and 29. Saturdays, Sept. 9, 16, 23 and 30.
Youth Works! Orientation Wednesday, Sept. 13.
CEO Next Business Institute - Information Session Thursday, Sept. 14.
Foster Care Parent Orientation Thursday, Sept. 14.
First Public Hearing on 2024-25 Budget Tuesday, Sept. 19.
Criminal Expungement Forms Clinic Thursday, Sept. 28.
Fix-It Clinic Saturday, Sept. 30.