Aquatic invasive species, such as zebra mussels, often hitch a ride on our watercraft and trailers, and then are unknowingly transported from one lake to another.
Parks & Recreation has an app and number of free tools at several boat launces to help residents keep watercraft free of aquatic hitchhiker.
Learn more about how to stop aquatic invasive species
Ramsey County is offering a variety of new programs for young adults to learn through education and training while earning money. These programs will provide young adults future growth, pay livable wages in fields such as construction, green energy, entrepreneurship, health care, human services and information technology.
Programs are available to county residents ages 18-30. Priority will be given to low-income residents or those with employment barriers.
Learn more about program offerings, informational and recruiting sessions
 If you are on Medical Assistance, you may need to renew your health insurance. Get prepared by using the Department of Human Services’ new renewal lookup tool to know your renewal month and when to watch the mail for your paperwork.
Yog koj tau Medical Assistance, koj yuav tsum npaj rov thov dua koj daim ntawd kho mob. Yeej meem npaj siv Department of Human Services kev tshawb fawb tshiab kom tau lub hli koj yuav tsum rov thov koj nraim ntawd kho mob dua, raws nws lub hli yuav tau thov dua. Saib ntsoov nej cov ntaub ntawd tuaj rau nej thiaj li tsis nrhau lub caij yuav thov dua.
Si usted recibe Asistencia Médica, puede que necesite renovar su seguro médico. Prepárese para su renovación usando la nueva herramienta del Departamento de Servicios Humanos para saber su mes de renovación y cuando esperar el papeleo.
Hadii aad haysatid Caafimaadka Medical Assistance waxaad Ubaahan doontaa in aad cusboonay siiso. Waaxada adeegyad ada aadanah sida aad u ogaan kartid waqtiga, ama bisha la cusboonay siinaayo.
Join us at one of two community conversations to share your thoughts on designs for the new Environmental Service Center. County staff will share information about the center and be available to answer questions. All Ramsey County residents are encouraged to attend.
Learn more and attend a community conversation
PRIDE Month Read at the June 6 board meeting.
Hmong International Freedom Festival Read at the June 27 board meeting.
Carissa Dillon receives Minnesota Public Health Association award
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, July 11 and 18.
Mobile Household Hazardous Waste Collection Fridays, July 7, 14, 21 and 28. Saturdays, July 8, 15, 22 and 29.
Free Open Skate at TCO Sports Garden Sundays, July 9, 16, 23 and 30.
Youth Works! Orientation Wednesday, July 12.
County Road J and I-35E Interchange Open House Wednesday, July 12.
Foster Care Parent Orientation Thursday, July 13
Fix-It Clinic Saturday, July 22.
Criminal Expungement Forms Clinic Thursday, July 27.