Free vaccines are now available for anyone 6 months and older. Appointments are available at multiple metro locations. Please note: Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health is not yet offering appointments for children under 5.
Schedule an appointment near you
Questions about COVID-19?
Diapers can cost $70-$80 per baby each month. One in three families struggles to afford this. Mothers First has created a diaper bank to fill Ramsey County families’ urgent need for diapers through donations from the community.
Drop off diapers now through Aug. 27 at the Mothers First office in Saint Paul to help families in need.
The Ramsey County 2022 Strategic Plan outlines a set of strategic priorities aligned with the county’s vision for a vibrant community where all are valued and thrive.
The strategic priorities are indicative of an 18-month outlook and include work built upon previous years’ priorities, all of which combined, further the county’s four goals to strengthen well-being, cultivate prosperity, enhance opportunity and model accountability.
Read the strategic plan
 Aquatic invasive species, such as zebra mussels, often hitch a ride on our watercraft and trailers, and then are unknowingly transported from one lake to another.
Parks & Recreation has a number of free tools people can use to keep watercraft free of aquatic hitchhikers.
Learn more about how to stop aquatic invasive species
As the hot weather continues, keep in mind these precautions to stay cool in the heat:
- Limit outdoor activity, especially midday when the sun is hottest.
- Drink more water than usual and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink more. Water is better at cooling your body than drinks with sugar.
- Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing.
- Use sunscreen.
During extreme heat, check on relatives, neighbors, older adults and other vulnerable community members to ensure they are staying cool and hydrated. Those at highest risk include people 65 and older, children younger than two, and people with chronic diseases or mental illness.
View more information on staying cool in the heat at
Make a splash
Plan a trip to Battle Creek Waterworks! Come cool off in the zero-entry pool, hang out on the water play structure or take a spin down the big water slide.
Ramsey County beaches are also open. Please note that lifeguard services are not provided at county swimming beaches for the 2022 season. Call 911 in case of an emergency.
In partnership with Think Small, a new Early Childhood Academy will provide incentives and support services to attract and retain child care programs. This three-year, $750,000 initiative is a part of the county's Investment and Support Efforts program, funded through the American Rescue Plan Act.
County residents and interested participants can learn more and register at
Saint Paul-Ramsey County Public Health is seeking input from people living or working in the county about to how to use opioid settlement money.
Those who complete the survey will be eligible to receive a one-time $25 gift card, while supplies last.
Learn more about the settlement and take the survey
Parks & Recreation is working to advance the 21st Century Parks vision by asking community members about their experiences and recommendations for facility and programming improvements to Aldrich and Highland arenas.
Take the survey online or come to one of our community listening sessions in July.
Juneteenth Day Read at the June 14 board meeting.
Pride Month Read at the June 21 board meeting.
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, July 12 and 19.
Lake Johanna Boulevard Trail Design Study Open House Thursday, July 7.
Aldrich Arena Tour and Community Listening Session Thursday, July 7.
Transforming Systems Together Open House Saturday, July 9.
Community Conversation about Public Health's Strategic Plan Monday, July 11.
Lactation Lounge Tuesday, July 12.
Highland Arena Tour and Community Listening Session Tuesday, July 12.
Victoria Street Trail Design Study Open House Thursday, July 14
County Road B Reconstruction Open House Tuesday, July 19.
Mobile HHW Collection - Arden Hills Fridays, July 8, 15, 22 and 29. Saturdays, July 9, 16, 23 and 30.