- Coronavirus/COVID-19 updates. - Board to vote on 2022-23 budget. - Register for winter programs. - Job seeker services. - Hub for the Holidays at Union Depot. - Take health survey. - Update email subscriptions. - Upcoming events. - Proclamations and employee awards. - In the news. |
Everyone 5 years and older is eligible for vaccine
Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health is now offering free COVID-19 vaccines for children age 5-11. COVID-19 vaccines are free. No medical insurance or ID is required.
Clinics are scheduled at community centers, schools and several pop-up locations.
Booster shots available for anyone age 18+
COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are available for anyone 18 years and older who received their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine at least six months ago or Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least two months ago.
Ramsey County is now offering Pfizer and Moderna booster shots at our clinics, by appointment only.
Schedule an appointment
COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance
Are you a renter who is having difficulty paying rent or utilities due to COVID-19? Ramsey County and Saint Paul are offering a tenant assistance program for qualifying Ramsey County renters impacted by the financial burdens of COVID-19.
Learn more and apply for assistance
The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners is scheduled to vote on the county's 2022-23 biennial budget and 2022 property tax levy at its regularly scheduled meeting on Dec. 21.
A public hearing on the budget was held Monday, Nov. 29. Visit ramseycounty.us/Budget to view a video of the event and budget materials.
 2018 Union Depot tree lighting
This year’s Hub for the Holidays is back and in person! Get your holiday shopping done at the European Christmas Market, ride along on the North Pole Express to Santa’s village, kick off your season with the holiday tree lighting and more!
Learn more about Hub for the Holidays
Registration is open for winter recreation programming for kids, adults and families. All programs will follow public health guidelines to slow the spread of COVID-19 and are subject to change or cancellation based on the status of the pandemic.
View winter programming
Introducing a new online Parks & Recreation reservation system
Our new online reservation system improves how residents make park shelter and pavilion reservations, view arena schedules and register for programs. The system is more user-friendly, easier to navigate and has a variety of tools to manage facility and program registrations.
Read more and learn how to set up a new account
Looking for a new job opportunity or to learn a new skill? Several resources are available to help get you on the right track.
Job Connect - online job board created in collaboration with chambers of commerce, local economic development organizations and municipalities.
Training Dashboard - showcases more than 80 training programs.
Career Labs - in-person and virtual job search assistance and career planning services.
Visit ramseycounty.us/calendar to view upcoming job fairs and workshops.
Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health invites all adult residents of the county to take an online health survey. Results from the Health of Our County survey will be used to influence future public health efforts.
The survey, which takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, is being done as part of the department’s work through the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership.
Take the survey now
Did you know? In addition to our monthly newsletter, we offer email and text message updates on a variety of topics. Popular topics include:
- Job opportunities.
- Parks announcements.
- Library programs.
- Road construction updates.
- Property tax payment reminders.
- County board agendas.
- Yard waste collection site updates.
Update your subscriber preferences to make sure you’re getting notices for county happenings and upcoming projects that are of interest to you.
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 14 and 21.
Career Services Thursday, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30.
Virtual New Foster Care Parent Orientation Thursday, Dec. 9.
Hugo Road Resurfacing Open House Thursday, Dec. 9.
Active Living Ramsey Communities Quarterly Meeting Monday, Dec. 13.
European Christmas Market at Union Depot Dates vary.
Christmas Day - Holiday (observed) Friday, Dec. 24. County offices and Library locations closed.
Zachary Hylton and Bridget Marter receive employee recognition awards Presented at the Nov. 9 board meeting
Native American Heritage Month Read at the Nov. 23 board meeting.
Infant Safe Sleep Week in Minnesota was Nov. 14-20 Watch ABCs of Safe Sleep video.
National Adoption Day was Nov. 20 2021 has been a record year for the number of adoptions finalized in Ramsey County.