- Coronavirus/COVID-19 updates. - Election Day is Nov. 2. - Public hearing for 2022-23 budget. - Veterans benefits for residents. - Fall burns planned at county parks. - Child Tax Credit payments. - Health survey now available. - Community members sought for Racial Equity Action Team. - Upcoming events. - Proclamations. - In the news. |
Get a free COVID-19 vaccine and gift card from Ramsey County, while supplies last
Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health continues to offer free COVID-19 vaccine clinics throughout the community for all eligible individuals. Clinics are scheduled at community centers, schools and several pop-up locations.
COVID-19 vaccines are free. No medical insurance or ID is required.
No matter where you live – you are eligible and encouraged to get a vaccine and gift card.
- Up to $100 in gift cards for first and second doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine ($50 per dose, given 3-4 weeks apart).
- Get your gift card immediately after vaccination - no forms or paperwork required.
- Gift cards available for vaccine at Ramsey County-operated clinics, while supplies last. Getting $50 for your first dose does not guarantee you will get $50 for the second dose, if gift cards run out.
- Gift cards are not available for booster shots or for vaccine received at clinics not operated by Ramsey County.
For information on Ramsey County-operated clinics, visit ramseycounty.us/COVIDVaccine or call 651-266-1190.
Individuals age 12-17 may also be eligible for the State of Minnesota's vaccine reward program.
 Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 2. Polling places in Ramsey County will be open from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Voters must vote at their assigned polling place on Election Day.
You may register to vote in person on Election Day at your polling place. To register, you must show proof of identification and residence.
Return your absentee ballot
You may return your absentee ballot to one of eight ballot return locations through Monday, Nov. 1. You cannot return your absentee ballot to your polling place on Election Day.
View options for voting before Election Day.
Ramsey County property owners will receive their 2022 Proposed Property Tax Notices in mid-November. The notice estimates the amount of property taxes owners will pay in 2022 if the county, cities, school districts and other taxing jurisdictions approve their respective budget proposals.
Nov. 29 public hearing on 2022-23 budget A public hearing on the county's proposed 2022-23 budget and 2022 property tax levy will be held Monday, Nov. 29 in the Union Depot Red Cap Room in Saint Paul. A virtual option will also be available - find additional details at ramseycounty.us/PublicHearings. The hearing will begin at 6:30 p.m.
View information on Ramsey County's 2022 supplemental budget.
Veterans Day is Thursday, Nov. 11. Approximately 25,000 veterans live in Ramsey County – thank you for your service!
Ramsey County Veterans Services provides guidance and assistance to veterans, their dependents and survivors in applying for local, state and federal veterans benefits.
Learn more about assistance for veterans.
Parks and Recreation will conduct prescribed burns of some county-owned prairies and woodlands this fall. Burns are planned to occur throughout November. Experienced county staff and contractors work carefully to manage smoke conditions while conducting burns; however, some residents may smell smoke.
Specific dates and times of the burns are dependent on weather and wind conditions and generally cannot be determined more than one day in advance. Whenever possible, burn information will be shared on ramseycounty.us/Parks and the Parks and Recreation Twitter and Facebook pages.
As part of the American Rescue Plan, the federal Child Tax Credit (CTC) is significantly increased and half of it will be available through direct monthly payments.
- Your family can receive $250 - $300 a month for each child between now and December, and the remaining amount when you file your taxes next year.
- Receiving the CTC will not affect any public benefits that you receive (SNAP, MFIP, etc.), your immigration status or your ability to get a green card.
Automatic payments for tax filers
If you have filed tax returns for 2019 or 2020, or if you signed up to receive a stimulus check in 2020, the IRS will automatically send you monthly payments.
Enroll now if you didn't file taxes this year or last year
If you did not have to file your taxes this year or last year, and you did not register for Economic Impact Payments last year, you must sign up for the CTC payments.
Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health invites all adult residents of the county to take an online health survey. Results from the Health of Our County survey will be used to influence future public health efforts.
The survey, which takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, is being done as part of the department’s work through the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP).
Take the SHIP survey now.
Ramsey County Community Corrections is seeking community members committed to advancing racial equity to join a new Racial Equity and Community Engagement Action Team. Individuals with a variety of backgrounds and experiences are being sought to engage in shared power and decision-making with Community Corrections.
Read more and learn how to volunteer.
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Nov. 2, 19, 16 and 23.
Election Day Tuesday, Nov. 2.
Victoria Street Trail Design Study Virtual Open House Thursday, Nov. 4.
Lexington Parkway Reconstruction Open House Wednesday, Nov. 10.
Virtual New Foster Care Parent Orientation Wednesday, Nov. 10.
Rice Street Visioning Study Open House Monday, Nov. 16.
Public Hearing on 2022-23 County Budget Monday, Nov. 29.
Veterans Day - Holiday Thursday, Nov. 11. County offices and Library locations closed.
Thanksgiving - Holiday Thursday, Nov. 25 and Friday, Nov. 26. County offices and Library locations closed.
Lead Poisoning Prevention Week Read at the Oct. 5 East Side Neighborhood Development Company meeting.
Licensed Family Child Care Provider Appreciation Day Foster Care Provider Appreciation Day Read at the Oct. 12 board meeting.
Disability Employment Awareness Month Read at the Oct. 19 board meeting.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Read at the Oct. 26 board meeting.
Deputy Steve Eddicus Day Read on Oct. 29.