- Coronavirus/COVID-19 updates. - Request your absentee ballot. - Fall leaf collection. - Family sponsorship program. - Battle Creek Regional Park master plan. - Library offers new online learning platform. - Second half property taxes due. - Upcoming events. - Proclamations. - In the news. |
Get a free COVID-19 vaccine and gift card from Ramsey County, while supplies last
Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health continues to offer free COVID-19 vaccine clinics throughout the community for all eligible individuals. Clinics are scheduled at community centers, schools and several pop-up locations.
COVID-19 vaccines are free. No medical insurance or ID is required.
No matter where you live – you are eligible and encouraged to get a vaccine and gift card.
- Up to $100 in gift cards for first and second doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine ($50 per dose, given 3-4 weeks apart).
- Get your gift card immediately after vaccination - no forms or paperwork required.
- Gift cards available for vaccine at Ramsey County-operated clinics after Sept. 27, while supplies last.
- Gift cards are not available for booster shots (which begin on Saturday, Oct. 9) or for vaccine received at clinics not operated by Ramsey County.
For information on Ramsey County-operated clinics, visit ramseycounty.us/COVIDVaccine or call 651-266-1190.
Pfizer booster shots begin Oct. 9
Ramsey County will begin offering Pfizer booster shots at our clinics on Saturday, Oct. 9, by appointment only.
Learn more about eligibility and find a clinic
Ramsey County voters may vote before Election Day by using an absentee ballot for the Nov. 2 general election. All voters can vote absentee in Minnesota.
Voting by mail is easy and convenient. Complete the online request form to have an absentee ballot mailed to your home. You may also return your completed ballot by mail or in person at a ballot return site.
Voters can also cast a ballot in person at the Ramsey County Elections Office – Plato Building. Additional sites open Oct. 26.
More information at ramseycounty.us/VoteBeforeElectionDay.
Make the holidays a bit brighter for our community members who are struggling financially this year. Learn how families, individuals, groups and work teams can help those in need through the Family Sponsorship Program.
Battle Creek Regional Park is getting a new master plan for the first time in 30 years. The planning process has included extensive community engagement over the past two years.
Review the draft master plan and submit comments through Oct. 31.
kRamsey County Library is excited to announce that Udemy is now available for patrons. Udemy is an online learning and teaching featuring platform more than 6,000 courses. Learn programming, marketing and data science and improve skills across business, tech, design and more.
Access Udemy at rclreads.org/Resources/Education.
The second half of 2021 property tax payments are due Friday, Oct. 15. Payment can be made online, by mail, in person or at a payment drop box.
Learn about payment options
Additional resources
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Oct. 5, 12, 19 and 26.
CEO Next Business Institute Information Session Thursday, Oct. 7.
Lake Johanna Boulevard Trail Design Study Open House Tuesday, Oct. 5.
Lake Johanna Boulevard Trail Design Study Virtual Open House Tuesday, Oct. 12.
Metro Region Online Fall Career Fair Tuesdays, Oct. 12 and 26.
Personal Information Security Protection in a Modern Era Wednesday, Oct. 13.
Virtual New Foster Care Parent Orientation Thursday, Oct. 14.
Career Services Thursdays, Oct. 7, 14, 21 and 28.
Bruce Vento Regional Trail - Phase 2 Design Project Community Meeting Thursday, Oct. 21.
Ransomware: What it is and how to Avoid it Tuesday, Oct. 26.
Additional In-Person Absentee Voting Sites Open Tuesday, Oct. 26.
Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Collection Site - Maplewood Fridays, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29. Saturdays, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30.
Ramsey County Farm Family of the Year: R&R Cultivation Day Read at the Sept. 21 board meeting.