- Coronavirus/COVID-19 updates. - 2022-23 budget hearings. - Request your absentee ballot. - National Preparedness Month. - Upcoming events. - Proclamations. - In the news. |
Get your free COVID-19 vaccine - plus up to $100 in gift cards
Now through Sept. 16, Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health is currently providing Visa gift cards to everyone that gets vaccinated at a county-operated clinic:
- Up to $100 in gift cards for the two-dose Pfizer or Moderna vaccine ($50 per dose; doses given 3-4 weeks apart).
- $100 gift card for the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
- Get your gift card immediately after vaccination - no forms or paperwork required.
- Gift cards only available for vaccinations received Aug. 13 - Sept. 16 at Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health-operated clinics, while supplies last.
COVID-19 vaccines are free. No medical insurance or ID is required.
For information on Ramsey County-operated clinics, visit ramseycounty.us/COVIDVaccine, call 651-266-1190 or connect with a trusted Community Connector.
Get vaccinated at the Minnesota State Fair
The Minnesota Department of Health, Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health and Homeland Health are offering the COVID-19 vaccine to all eligible State Fair goers.
North End Event Center (north of Murphy Avenue).
- Open daily: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. (8 p.m. on Labor Day).
- Pfizer (age 12 and up - two doses).
- Johnson & Johnson (age 18 and up - one dose).
- Walk-ins or appointments welcome.
FDA approves Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fully approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for those 16 years of age and older on Aug. 23. The vaccine continues to be available under emergency use authorization for those 12 to 15 years of age and for those with compromised immune systems who need a third dose.
Learn more from the FDA
County Manager Ryan O'Connor presented the proposed 2022-23 budget to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners on Aug. 24.
The 2022-23 budget calls for an increase in the county’s property tax levy of 1.55% ($5.1 million) in 2022 and 4.54% ($15.1 million) in 2023.
A community conversation about the proposed budget was held on Aug. 30 and presentations on the proposed 2022-23 budget by service team leaders will take place on several dates throughout September.
Videos of these meetings and additional materials will be posted to www.ramseycounty.us/Budget.
Ramsey County voters may vote by using an absentee ballot in the general election on Tuesday, Nov. 2. All voters can vote absentee in Minnesota.
Absentee voting for the general election begins Friday, Sept. 17. If you’d like to vote by mail, you can request your ballot and it will be sent to you later this month. You can also vote in person at Ramsey County’s Elections Office in Saint Paul beginning Sept. 17.
Information on voting before Election Day
 September is National Preparedness Month. Take time to talk with your family and community about the types of emergencies that could affect our region, and make a household plan.
Review safety tips and get tools to plan for emergencies
Help inform the county's hazard mitigation plan
Ramsey County Emergency Management & Homeland Security is currently collecting public input to help update the county's multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan.
Share your thoughts by completing a short online survey
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Sept. 7, 21 and 28.
2022-23 Budget Hearings Dates vary.
Virtual New Foster Care Parent Orientation Thursday, Sept. 9.
CEO Next Business Institute Information Session Thursday, Sept. 16.
Employer Connect Thursday, Sept. 16.
Absentee Voting Begins for General Election Friday, Sept. 17.
Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Collection Site - Saint Paul, across from State Fairgrounds Fridays, Sept. 10, 17 and 24. Saturdays, Sept. 11, 18 and 25.
Labor Day - holiday Monday, Sept. 6. County offices, library locations and yard waste sites closed.
Suni Lee Day Presented at Aug. 10 board meeting.
Hospitality Worker Appreciation Month Presented at Aug. 24 board meeting.
The county is collaborating with Visit Saint Paul and Visit Roseville on Hospitality Future Finder, an initiative designed to help job seekers find employment and also assist hospitality businesses in filling open positions.