Please join us for the Policy Advisory Committee meeting Thursday, Feb. 4. At this virtual meeting, you’ll hear updates on our consultant team’s work pertaining to the Purpose and Need document revisions, the cultural resources background report, and progress on the formation of the Community Advisory Committee and the Station Area Planning Task Force.
Thursday, Feb. 4 9:30 a.m. Join via Zoom Agenda and meeting materials
 Purpose and Need document information
The purpose of the Riverview Corridor project is to provide transit service that enhances mobility and accessibility for residents, businesses and workers. It also supports economic opportunities within the project area, particularly in low-income neighborhoods. A Purpose and Need document was prepared during the first phase of the project and completed in 2017. The Policy Advisory Committee seeks input from residents, business owners and commuters along the corridor to find out if the need for improved mobility and access in the project area has changed since the document was published. A summary of the updated Riverview Corridor Purpose and Need document will be made available for public review and comment at RiverviewCorridor.com.
Community Advisory Committee and Station Area Planning Task Force selection update
The selection of community members for the Community Advisory Committee and the Station Area Planning Task Force is still underway. The Policy Advisory Committee is scheduled to finalize the appointments at their April meeting. The Community Advisory Committee will advise the Policy Advisory Committee on project design, environmental analysis and community engagement opportunities. The Station Area Planning Task Force will guide the development of station area plans in Saint Paul.
The Riverview Corridor is a 12-mile planned transportation connection between neighborhoods and anchor destinations and employers in downtown Saint Paul, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the Mall of America. The planned modern streetcar line includes use of existing METRO Green Line stations and tracks in downtown Saint Paul and existing METRO Blue Line stations and tracks south of the Mississippi River beginning at Fort Snelling. Nine new stations are planned along West 7th Street (State Highway 5). |