- Coronavirus/COVID-19 update. - Small Business Relief Fund. - 21st Century Park Vision. - Library transitioning to new app. - SummerLands project. - Stewardship grants. - Upcoming events. - In the news. |
COVID-19 vaccine is in Phase 1a
 Many residents, employers and community partners are eager to get the COVID-19 vaccine at a time when the supply in Minnesota remains very limited. The vaccine is not yet available for the general public.
Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health has received a limited supply of vaccine which they are providing to priority groups in Phase 1a as established by Minnesota Department of Health guidelines.
How to get updates on vaccine information.
Join the COVID-19 Vaccine Community Conversation on Feb. 4. Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health and the COVID-19 Racial Equity and Community Engagement Response Team will lead the conversation including time for questions and open discussion.
State rolls out COVID-19 Community Vaccination Program
The State of Minnesota is conducting community vaccination clinics for adults age 65 or older, educators, school staff and child care providers. Vaccine is available by appointment only. Walk-ins will not be accepted.
Find out more about community vaccination program.
Minnesota is shipping more doses of COVID-19 vaccine to clinics and hospitals across the state specifically for those aged 65 and over. Ramsey County does not currently have vaccine available for those aged 65 and over.
Use vaccine locator map.
Saliva testing and other community testing sites
Testing for COVID-19 is an important strategy in slowing the spread of the virus. The state of Minnesota is offering free saliva testing at Roy Wilkins Auditorium in Saint Paul. Testing is available seven days a week and free to all Minnesotans who believe they need a COVID-19 test, including those who are asymptomatic.
View testing sites in Ramsey County.
No-cost at-home COVID-19 saliva testing is also available.
View test at home information.
Photo courtesy of Minnesota Department of Health
 The Ramsey County Small Business Relief Fund is accepting applications from self-employed entrepreneurs or local businesses with 75 or fewer employees. Grants will provide emergency assistance to those adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Applications will be accepted until Friday, Feb. 5.
Learn more and apply at RamseyCountyMeansBusiness.com/relief-fund.
Ramsey County Parks & Recreation is working to achieve this 21st century vision: A dynamic, community-centered system that provides opportunities for our ever-changing community to engage with inclusive and welcoming parks and recreation sites and programming.
We want to hear your ideas on how to implement this vision. Take a short survey to provide input on what you imagine the parks and recreation system would look like in five years when the vision is achieved.
Additional community engagement information can be found on ramseycounty.us/21stCenturyParks.
The Ramsey County Library downloadable collection will transition to Libby by OverDrive over the next two months. During the transition, cloudLibrary services will start to decrease and eventually end. Current holds will not be saved or transferred.
With the acquisition of RBDigital by OverDrive, the Library took this opportunity to change to this one-stop shop for e-books, e-audiobooks and e-magazines.
Learn more about Libby by OverDrive.
 Does your community group have an idea for a temporary pop-up park, container garden, community event space or art installation?
Ramsey County is making select parcels of county-owned land available for seasonal community use. Apply to manage a piece of land from May-Oct. 2021.
Learn more about Summerlands
Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District is accepting applications for 2021 Stewardship Grants. This funding is available to those seeking to filter and reduce runoff, prevent flooding, protect groundwater, restore native ecosystems and lessen the effects of drought on their properties.
Common examples of covered projects include:
- Rain gardens.
- Native landscaping.
- Shoreline restoration.
- Pervious pavement.
Learn about Stewardship Grant.