- Coronavirus/COVID-19 update - Voting before or on Election Day. - Help for job seekers. - Veterans services. - Public hearing for 2021 supplemental budget. - Winter parks programs. - CEO Next Business Institute. - Upcoming events. - In the news. |
The COVID-19 pandemic is not over. The number of COVID-19 cases in Ramsey County and across Minnesota is rising.
COVID-19 doesn't just happen to the person that gets infected. Even if you don't get seriously ill, you are likely passing it on to others in your household and community. Please do your part by staying home when you can, wearing a mask in public, washing your hands frequently and getting tested if you have symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19.
Learn more about how to protect yourself and others.
Staying safe during the holidays
Holiday travel and common holiday activities increase the chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others.
Learn about low-risk alternatives to celebrating upcoming holidays.
Accessing county services
We are committed to providing services throughout the pandemic while protecting the health of residents and staff.
Find resources and updates at ramseycounty.us/coronavirus.
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 3. Polling places in Ramsey County will be open from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Voters must vote at their assigned polling place on Election Day.
You may register to vote in person on Election Day at your polling place. To register, you must show proof of identification and residence.
Return your absentee ballot
You may return your absentee ballot to a ballot return site or in-person absentee voting location until Monday, Nov. 2 or mail in your ballot. Voters cannot return their absentee ballot at a polling place on Election Day.
If you return your absentee ballot by mail, it must be postmarked by Nov. 3.
View options for voting before Election Day.
2020 general election results
Due to the large number of voters choosing to cast an absentee ballot in the 2020 general election, the outcome of all races may not be clear on election night.
Initial unofficial results will be posted on the secretary of state's website after polls close on Tuesday, Nov. 3.
Assistance available for job seekers
Looking for work due to COVID-19? Job search and employment support is available for people who have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These programs are initiatives of the Ramsey County Investment and Support Efforts (RISE) program.
Community Career Labs provide job seeker services
Looking for work due to COVID-19? Ramsey County Community Career Labs offer job seekers and residents impacted by the pandemic free online job search tools, referrals to training programs, access to virtual job fairs, career planning information and more.
Find a Community Career Lab.
TechPak enrollment period open Nov. 2-4
TechPak is an initiative that brings computers, internet and digital literacy training into the homes of Ramsey County residents who have experienced negative economic impacts due to COVID-19.
The final TechPak application period will be open Nov. 2-4. Due to high demand, not everyone who applies will receive a TechPak. TechPaks will be awarded to eligible residents who have experienced job loss, reduced hours, change of household income or have other barriers due to COVID-19.
Learn more and apply for a TechPak.
Veterans Day is Wednesday, Nov. 11. In place of an in-person event this year, the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs will produce a video honoring our state’s veterans that will be released on Nov. 11.
Ramsey County Veterans Services provides guidance and assistance to veterans, their dependents, and survivors in applying for local, state and federal veterans benefits.
Approximately 25,000 veterans live in Ramsey County.
Learn more about assistance for veterans.
Ramsey County property owners will receive their 2021 Proposed Property Tax Notices in mid-November. The notice estimates the amount of property taxes owners will pay in 2021 if the county, cities, school districts and other taxing jurisdictions approve their respective budget proposals.
Nov. 30 public hearing on 2021 supplemental budget
A public hearing on the county's proposed 2021 supplemental budget and 2021 property tax levy will be held Monday, Nov. 30 in the Union Depot-Red Cap Room in Saint Paul. A virtual option will also be available - details will be posted at ramseycounty.us/publichearings. The hearing will begin at 6:30 p.m.
View information on Ramsey County's 2021 supplemental budget.
Registration is open for winter recreation programming for kids, adults and families at Tamarack Nature Center.
All programs will follow public health guidelines to slow the spread of COVID-19 and are subject to change or cancellation based on the status of the pandemic.
View winter programming.
CEO Next is a leadership program that helps growing companies make a larger impact by offering business research and support at no cost. Applications are open through mid-November for the Next program’s next cohort.
Learn more about CEO Next Business Institute.
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Nov. 3, 10, 17 and 24.
Election Day Tuesday, Nov. 3.
Veterans Day - county offices closed Wednesday, Nov. 11.
Foster Care Parent Orientation Thursday, Nov. 12.
Skyway Blood Drive at Union Depot Thursday, Nov. 19.
Thanksgiving - county offices closed Thursday, Nov. 26. Friday, Nov. 27.
Public Hearing on 2021 Supplemental Budget Monday, Nov. 30.