- Coronavirus/COVID-19 update - State primary on Aug. 11 - Proposed 2021 supplemental budget - Job Connect launches - Updates from Parks & Recreation - A Mask for Everyone - Upcoming events - In the news |
Several new initiatives are available to residents and business owners as part of the Ramsey County Investment and Support Efforts (RISE) program:
Emergency Assistance – Residents affected by COVID-19 could be eligible for up to $5,500 to help pay for rent, mortgage or utilities.
Community Career Labs – Several new career labs are opening this month throughout Ramsey County to provide access to computer workstations and job search support.
Small Business Relief Fund – Funding is available for small businesses and self-employed people directly impacted by COVID-19.
Through RISE, Ramsey County will invest the majority of $96 million of federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act dollars into home and help, employment support and small business programs this year.
Accessing county services
We are committed to providing services throughout the pandemic while protecting the health of residents and staff.
Find resources and updates at ramseycounty.us/coronavirus.
Keep up to date with childhood vaccinations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Minnesota Department of Health are encouraging parents to keep their children up to date with immunizations as pediatric visits have declined during COVID-19. Talk to your child's doctor about getting vaccines back on track.
If you don’t have insurance, ask your health care provider about the Minnesota Vaccines for Children program. Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health’s Immunization Clinic also offers low-cost immunizations for individuals without insurance, whose insurance does not cover immunizations, or who are unable to access services. Our Immunization Clinic is offering on-site services by appointment only.
Free COVID-19 testing in August
Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health is working with community partners to offer COVID-19 testing at two sites over the next four weekends. The drive-thru and walk-up testing is open to anyone, with or without symptoms. The testing is free, no insurance is needed and will be at the following locations and days:
- Saturdays, Aug. 8, 15, 22 and 29
2-6 p.m. Aldrich Arena 1850 White Bear Ave., Maplewood, MN 55109
- Sundays, Aug. 9, 16, 23 and 30
2-6 p.m. Washington Technology Magnet School 1495 Rice St., Saint Paul, MN 55117
View testing site information
Ramsey County voters may vote early by using an absentee ballot in advance of the state primary on Tuesday, Aug.11. Residents can cast their ballot by mail (must be postmarked by Aug. 11 and received by Aug. 13) or vote in person early at three sites through Aug. 10.
All voters can vote early in Minnesota.
View early and absentee voting information
Vote at your polling place
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. on Aug. 11 for the primary. Visit mnvotes.org to check your registration status, view your sample ballot and find your polling place.
County Manager Ryan O'Connor will present the proposed 2021 supplemental budget to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners on Aug. 25. The presentation will be live-streamed and also available via video archive. Additional budget hearings will take place on several dates throughout September.
View the 2021 supplemental budget schedule
 Job Connect, is a new dynamic job board created in collaboration with Ramsey County chambers of commerce, local economic development organizations and municipalities.
Job seekers can use Job Connect to search for jobs on an interactive map, by industry and by transit access. The job board highlights vibrant industries in Ramsey County including health care, tech, manufacturing, construction and more.
Explore Job Connect
DIY Day Camp from Tamarack Nature Center
Tamarack Nature Center is hosting day camp online through a new series that is free for all participants. Do-It-Yourself Day Camp transforms some of our favorite in-person sessions into a virtual adventure.
Follow along on YouTube or Facebook
Feedback sought for Beaver Lake County Park
Parks & Recreation is preparing a new redevelopment plan for Beaver Lake County Park in Saint Paul and Maplewood. Input from the community is being sought as initial designs are developed.
Learn more and provide feedback on an interactive map
Ramsey County’s COVID-19 Racial Equity and Community Engagement Response Team (RECERT) is launching a new initiative - A Mask for Everyone - to ensure that individuals and families, specifically racially, ethnically and culturally diverse communities, have access to:
- A homemade mask to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
- Accurate and up-to-date information about the importance of wearing a mask.
- Instructions on proper use and care of homemade masks.
Learn more about this initiative
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Aug. 4, 11, 18 and 25
State Primary Tuesday, Aug. 11
Foster Care Parent Orientation Thursday, Aug. 13
Virtual Hiring Event Thursday, Aug. 6
Online Board Game Afternoon for Teens Tuesdays, Aug. 4, 11, 18 and 25
Sexual Violence Prevention Committee Wednesday, Aug. 12
2021 Supplemental Budget Hearing Tuesday, August 25
Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Collection - Saint Paul Fridays, Aug. 7, 14, 21 and 28 Saturdays, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29.