- Message from Board Chair Toni Carter - Coronavirus/COVID-19 update - Summer learning program - Park shelter reservations open - Resources for county businesses - Employment assistance - Fill out your 2020 census - Upcoming events - In the news |
As chair of the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners, I want to share with you how deeply saddened we all are by the devastating injustices that occur too frequently within our midst. Like you, we’re appalled and angered when those to whom we’ve given authority to serve and protect us so thoroughly misuse and betray our trust. And when our justice system repetitively fails to swiftly provide justice after such violations, scars left unhealed deepen with each re-injury. That is the case now with the death of Mr. George Floyd while in custody of the Minneapolis Police. We offer our prayers for his family and friends, and also for our Twin Cities communities in the aftermath of this horrible occurrence.
Read full statement
Ramsey County government remains open and we are committed to providing services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic while protecting the health of residents and our staff.
View weekly COVID-19 updates provided at meetings of the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners
Food and basic needs assistance
Many people in Ramsey County are struggling with access to enough healthy food. Information on food and basic needs resources is on our website, including assistance programs:
- To increase monthly food budgets.
- For children under the age of 18.
- For seniors.
- For residents with transportation or mobility barriers.
An interactive map is also available to help locate food resources in your neighborhood.
Visit ramseycounty.us/foodresources
Park shelter and pavilion rentals have reopened, aligning with current Stay Safe Minnesota guidance. Reservations can be made online or by calling 651-748-2500. We will contact larger groups with existing reservations that are impacted by this change.
Make a shelter reservation
Ramsey County beaches will remain closed until further notice to help slow the spread of coronavirus/COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of the community. We will continue to monitor guidelines and best practices to determine if and when beaches can reopen this season.
The Ramsey County Small Business Relief Fund is accepting applications from local businesses with 20 or fewer employees impacted by COVID-19. The fund will provide grants of $7,500 to businesses. Applications open through June 12, 2020.
Apply at RamseyCountyMeansBusiness.com
State and local resources are available for people whose jobs have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. County resources include employment assistance programs, virtual workshops and guidance counseling. |
Learn more about employment assistance
It's not too late - respond now to the 2020 census and do your part to help Ramsey County have a complete count of all of our residents.
Census counts help determine critical functions of government – everything from the number of elected officials that represent us, to funding for hospitals, schools, highways and social programs.
It's easy to respond online, by phone or mail.
Visit 2020census.gov to fill out the 2020 census
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, June 9, 16 and 23.
Foster Care Parent Orientation Thursday, June 11.
Town Hall: Voting and the 2020 Census Wednesday, June 10.
Sexual Violence Prevention Committee Wednesday, June 10.
Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Collection - Roseville Fridays, June 5, 12, 19 and 26. Saturdays, June 6, 13, 20 and 27.