- Coronavirus/COVID-19 update - Outside activities - Job seeker assistance - Mental Health Awareness Month - Vote by mail in 2020 - Foster Care Awareness Month - Road projects - Upcoming events - In the news |
Ramsey County government remains open and we are committed to providing services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic while protecting the health of residents and our staff.
View weekly COVID-19 updates provided at meetings of the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners:
New COVID-19 symptoms added
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has added six new symptoms for COVID-19:
- Chills.
- Repeated shaking with chills.
- Muscle pain.
- Headache.
- Sore throat.
- New loss of taste or smell.
Visit ramseycounty.us/coronavirus for links to a self-screening tool; to find testing locations, health and community resources, information on accessing county services and translated materials; and to view the weekly COVID-19 updates.
COVID-19 Town Halls to provide information, engage and learn the needs of community
Ramsey County residents can learn about COVID-19 help available from the county and get their questions answered at a series of COVID-19 Community Virtual Town Halls this month. The COVID-19 Racial Equity and Community Engagement Response team will host a series of six online community town halls spotlighting financial assistance, social services, veterans services, public health, community corrections and housing stability.
Medical Reserve Corps seeking volunteers
The Medical Reserve Corps of Ramsey County (RCMRC) is a countywide resource of health professionals and other volunteers who strengthen our community by preparing for and responding to public health and related emergencies. The RCMRC is looking for volunteers to fill a variety of roles. Training will be provided.
Sign up for the Medical Reserve Corps
Spring is here! Walking, biking and mountain biking trails and open spaces are available across Ramsey County. All county golf courses and driving ranges are also open.
When outside, please practice social distancing by maintaining at least six feet between yourself and others.
Find a park, trail or golf course
State and local resources are available for people whose jobs have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. County resources include employment assistance programs, virtual workshops and guidance counseling. |
Learn more about employment assistance
Each of us can play a role in promoting good mental health by reaching out virtually to a friend, family member or a loved one. Ramsey County provides a variety of mental health resources.
Throughout the month, Public Health and Social Services will host discussions with mental health professionals on a variety of different topics to spread awareness about the importance of mental health and well-being.
Learn more about upcoming discussions and mental health resources
Voting by mail is a safe, easy and convenient way to cast your ballot. All eligible voters in Ramsey County can vote by mail in the Aug. 11 state primary and the Nov. 3 general election. It's safe and easy!
Request an application and learn more at ramseycounty.us/votebymail
We take this time to recognize the 1,033 licensed foster care providers, policymakers, child welfare professionals, and others who help the 1,000+ youth in Ramsey County foster care find brighter futures and permanent homes.
Learn more about foster care parents
Road maintenance season has arrived. Ramsey County will lead or participate in dozens of construction and maintenance projects during 2020.
Work is already underway on select projects, including Dale Street over I-94, concrete repairs on Energy Park Drive and Highway 96, and I-694/Rice Street interchange construction. Several other projects are scheduled to ramp up in May.
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, May 12, 19 and 26
Mobile household hazardous waste collection - Arden Hills Fridays, May 8, 15, 22 and 29 Saturdays, May 9, 16, 23 and 30
Volunteers in Corrections Annual Flower Sale May 1-17 and May 22-24
Sexual Violence Prevention Committee Wednesday, May 13
Memorial Day - holiday County offices and Library locations closed. Monday, May 25