- Early voting now through Nov. 4 - Four new food scraps collection sites - Community Visioning Workshops - Winter programs at Tamarack Nature Center - Public hearing for 2020-21 budget |
 Election Day is Nov. 5. Polling places in Ramsey County will be open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. on Election Day.
Early voting available this weekend
Eight early voting locations are open to Ramsey County residents through Nov. 4.
All early voting locations will be open Saturday, Nov. 2 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
View locations, hours and wait times
Four new food scraps (organics recycling) drop-off sites are open around the county. Each of the four sites is open year-round, 24 hours a day.
Including these new locations, the county offers food scraps collection at 13 sites – including drop-off locations at all seven county yard waste sites.
Ready to get started? A free starter kit and compostable bags are available for residents who want to participate. Pick one up at a yard waste site or at any Ramsey County Library or Saint Paul Library, while supplies last.
View locations and hours of all food scraps sites
 Residents, business owners and other stakeholders are invited and encouraged to attend an upcoming Community Visioning Workshop.
These workshops are facilitated discussions designed to capture residents’ visions for the future of our county. These visions will define the county's Community Indicators, which set the long-term direction for the county’s strategic planning and budgeting.
Learn more and register
There's always something happening at Tamarack Nature Center! From Discovery Walks to farmers markets, there are lots of free activities for you and your family.
Registration is now open for a number of winter programs. These paid programs include Beekeeping Basics, Parent-Child Snowshoe Trek and Group Ski for Adults.
View all programs
Ramsey County property owners will receive their 2020 Proposed Property Tax Notices in mid-November. The notice estimates the amount of property taxes owners will pay in 2020 if the county, cities, school districts and other taxing jurisdictions approve their respective budget proposals.
Public hearing on 2020-21 Ramsey County budget is Nov. 25
A public hearing on the county's proposed 2020-21 biennial budget and 2020 property tax levy will be held Monday, Nov. 25 at Ramsey County Library - Maplewood. The hearing at 6:30 p.m. follows an open house at 6 p.m.
View information on Ramsey County's 2020-21 proposed budget.
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26
Battle Creek Regional Park Community Design Meeting Saturday, Nov. 2
Saint Paul Midway Job Fair Monday, Nov. 4
Election Day Tuesday, Nov. 5
Ramsey County Baby Cafe Wednesdays, Nov. 6, 20, 27 locations vary