Commissioner McGuire spoke at a recent Twin Cities North Chamber breakfast event along side fellow Ramsey County Commissioner Blake Huffman and out-going Anoka County Commissioner Jim Kordiak and Commissioner-elect Mandy Meisner.
Happy Thanksgiving From Ramsey County!
The Ramsey County District 2 Office wants to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving! This is one of our favorite times of year; time to enjoy food, friends, family, and a chance to reflect on what we are grateful for. Continue reading for information and fun local events happening in Ramsey County District 2.
Proposed Property Tax Notices have been mailed
About 157,000 Ramsey County property owners will be receiving Proposed Property Tax Notices this week. The notice estimates the amount of property taxes owners will pay in 2019 if the county, cities, school districts and other taxing jurisdictions approve their respective budget proposals. Proposed Property Tax Notices are available online using the property tax and value lookup tool.
A public hearing on Ramsey County's proposed 2018 budget and property tax is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Red Cap Room at Union Depot. An open house will begin at 6 p.m. Vouchers for Union Depot parking lots will be provided at the hearing.
View information on Ramsey County's Proposed 2019 Supplemental Budget
Property tax resources

Dental and optical assistance for veterans
Veterans, dependents and surviving spouses in Ramsey County may be eligible for dental and optical assistance, including extractions and dentures.
Dental care
You may receive up to $1,000 for annual routine dental care paid to your choice of providers. (May issue an additional denture authorization for up to $3,000 of once-per-lifetime benefits, and if needed, an additional once-per-lifetime extraction authorization for up to $2,000 specifically for tooth extractions in preparation for the dentures.)
Optical care
You may receive up to $400 paid to your choice of provider for annual eye exams and prescription eyewear, including contact lenses.
The benefit is income and asset based. For more information, contact Veterans Services at 651-266-2545.
Practice Safe Deep Frying
Each year, there are multiple accidents, and even deaths, when people do not take the necessary or appropriate safety precautions when deep frying their Thanksgiving turkey.
We want everyone to remain safe and unharmed, so want to share with you helpful hints from chef Alton Brown on how to build a turkey derrick to have a safe and tasty deep frying experience.
Click here to get the plans.
Had your flu shot yet?
It’s not too late. And there are still good reasons to get one.
Although flu peaks between December and February most years, it can last as late as May. Influenza is a serious viral disease that can lead to hospitalization and 80,000 deaths last year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Flu shots are widely available, check this HealthMap Vaccine Finder to search by ZIP code below for locations offering vaccine near you. Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health’s Immunization Clinic also has low-cost flu vaccine available for anyone age six months or older who are uninsured or whose insurance doesn’t cover vaccine. Public Health offers flu shots by appointment only, call 651-266-1234 for more information.
Flu viruses are spread by droplets when people infected with the flu cough, sneeze or talk. Flu also is spread by touching a surface or object that has flu viruses on it. The best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get a seasonal flu shot every year and practice good health habits:
- Cover your coughs and sneezes
- Wash your hands
 Share your feedback on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Ramsey County's draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan describes the county’s unique role in addressing regional prosperity, equity, livability, stewardship and sustainability over the next 20 years.
The plan addresses several topics including land use, transportation, water resources, parks and trails, housing, resilience and economic competitiveness.
The county is collecting feedback on the draft through November.
Ramsey County 2040 is an official document and will be submitted to the Metropolitan Council and adopted by the county board following the public feedback period.
Learn more on our comprehensive plan webpage.
Ramsey County Library Master Plan
Ramsey County Library is beginning a master plan process for 2025 that will identify improvements in library facilities and operations to better serve community needs now and in the future.
You can also leave feedback on a display at your library or take a survey online.
County Board Discussion Session Recap
Many weeks, the County Board holds workshops or discussions session on Tuesdays in addition to their weekly meeting. Here are some of the topics recently discussed by the Board:
- November 13 - Advancing Racial and Health Equity
- November 13 - Information and Public Records Modernization Program Update
- November 20 - Ramsey County Riverfront Property Recommendation of Master Developer
Upcoming Events Around District 2