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Vote early for the August 14 Primary
Early voting for the Primary Election is available through August 13 at 11 different locations in Ramsey County. You may visit the most convenient location for you, regardless of where you live.
View early voting locations and hours
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. on August 14 for the Primary.
 On July 30, Ryan O'Connor became the Ramsey County Manager.
The County Manager makes recommendations to the board of commissioners, implements the board's policies, provides leadership and direction to nearly 4,000 county staff, and develops and implements the county's operating budget.
O'Connor joined the county in 2013 as Director of Policy & Planning. He has been Deputy County Manager of the county's Health and Wellness Service Team since 2016.
Read more about O'Connor's appointment
Submit feedback on 2040 Comprehensive Plan
We're collecting feedback on the Ramsey County 2040 Comprehensive Plan through November. The Comprehensive Plan describes the county’s unique role in addressing regional prosperity, equity, livability, stewardship and sustainability over the next 20 years.
View the draft and submit feedback
School and daycare vaccinations
 Immunizations are required prior to starting school in Minnesota for all students enrolled in grades kindergarten through 12, child care and early childhood programs.
Public Health’s Immunization Clinic offers low-cost immunizations for individuals without insurance, whose insurance does not cover immunizations, or who are unable to access services.
Learn more about immunizations
2019 supplemental budget hearings
Ramsey County uses its two-year (biennial) operating budget to monitor revenue and expenses, and to improve financial management and strategic planning.
Hearings on the 2019 performance measures and supplemental budget will take place on several dates throughout August.
View the presentation schedule
Ramsey County: In the news