Winter Reads, a winter reading program for adults offered by Ramsey County Library, runs Jan. 2 - Feb. 28.
Pick up a reading record bookmark at any county library location to get started. Read four books and return your reading record to receive a prize and enter for a chance to win the grand prize. Library staff are available to offer suggestions for good winter reads.
It's easy, fun and sure to cure those winter blahs!
Nominations open for 2018 Public Health Awards
Do you know someone who has helped improve health in Ramsey County?
Nominations are now open for the 2018 Ramsey County Public Health Awards. The annual awards recognize individuals and groups who have made exceptional contributions to improving health in our community by advancing health equity.
Nominations will be accepted until Feb. 6 at 4:30 p.m.
Learn more at ramseycounty.us/publichealthawards.
SOS Sexual Violence Services of Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health is currently seeking volunteers to staff the 24-hour crisis line during nights and weekends.
Free, extensive training begins in February.
Learn more and apply to volunteer.
Ramsey County: In the news