Public hearing Nov. 9 on Riverview Corridor locally preferred alternative
 The Riverview Corridor Policy Advisory Committee
(PAC) will hold a public hearing on the draft locally preferred alternative tomorrow (Thursday, Nov. 9) from 5-8 p.m. at Highland Park Senior High School.
The PAC has recommended a modern streetcar route along West 7th
Street as the draft locally preferred alternative. The route would create a new
transit connection between downtown Saint Paul, a number of different
neighborhoods, MSP airport and the Mall of America. It would also provide
connections to the Blue Line and Green Line. The PAC made the decision after
reviewing extensive technical documentation.
The PAC will review public comment and testimony before making a
final selection of a locally preferred alternative on December 14, 2017.
Learn more about the public hearing, PAC recommendation
and next steps.
Proposed property tax statements mailing mid-November
Ramsey County property owners will receive their 2018 Proposed Property Tax Notices in mid-November. The notice estimates the amount of property taxes owners will pay in 2018 if the county, cities, school districts and other taxing jurisdictions approve their respective budget proposals.
Public hearing on 2018-19 budget is Nov. 27
A public hearing on the county's proposed 2018-19 biennial budget and 2018 property tax levy will be held Monday, Nov. 27 at the Ramsey County Library in Shoreview. The hearing begins with a presentation at 6:30 p.m.
View information on Ramsey County's 2018-2019 proposed budget.
Recycle your leaves and fall decorations at yard waste sites
County residents can drop off leaves, pumpkins, hay bales and corn stocks for free at the county's seven yard waste collection sites.
State law prohibits leaves, grass clippings, brush and other plant material from being mixed with trash.
Yard waste sites can experience heavy traffic during the fall. Read tips on how to avoid a wait.
Ramsey County receives national Emergency Management accreditation
 Ramsey County received certification from the national Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) at the agency's October 26 meeting. Ramsey County is the first Minnesota county to have achieved this certification.
The accreditation represents a significant achievement for Emergency Management & Homeland Security and our partner agencies. To obtain accreditation, the county demonstrated compliance with a list of 64 industry standards and completed a peer-review on-site assessment by a team of EMAP trained assessors. The accreditation recognizes the county's ability to bring together personnel, resources and communications from a variety of agencies and organizations in preparation for and in response to a disaster of any type.
Ramsey County: In the news