Earlier this week, Commissioner McGuire hosted visiting Rotary members from Australia and East Timor for a tour of the Ramsey County Courthouse. Thank you to Judge Grewing for welcoming the group into your courtroom.
Get your Fishing License
The fishing opener is around the corner, and Roseville offers a convenient location to get your license. Anyone 16 years and older needs a license to fish in Minnesota.
Fishing license prices vary depending on which kind of license is needed. Bring your driver’s license or State ID to get a fishing license. Anglers are encouraged to review Minnesota fishing regulations at www.mndnr.gov or pick up a free copy at the Roseville License Center.
The License Center is located at 2737 N. Lexington Ave. Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Services include motor vehicle registration, driver’s license renewals and address changes, title transfer, boat, snowmobile, off-road vehicle and trailer licenses, and hunting and fishing licenses.
Ramsey Conservation Forum
May 17, 2017
9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Ramsey County Library - Roseville
Community Program Room 2180 Hamline Avenue North
Staff from Ramsey County Environmental Health will give a presentation and answer questions about recycling. Hosted by Ramsey Conservation District.
All attendees can enter for a chance to win an Earth Machine, a backyard composter. One winner will be selected at the event. Must be present to win.
Free job seeker workshops at the Ramsey County Workforce Centers in May
Several free workshops are available for job seekers on an ongoing basis at the Saint Paul Workforce Center and North Saint Paul Workforce Development Center.
Upcoming topics include at Saint Paul Workforce Center:
- LinkedIn - Getting Started - May 11, 9-11:30 a.m.
- New Leaf* - May 12, 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
*This workshop is designed specifically for job seekers who must address a criminal record in their job search process.
Upcoming topics at the North Saint Paul Workforce Development Center:
- Career Exploration: Opportunities and Options - May 16, 9 - 11:30 a.m.
- Career Success Stories - May 23, 9 - 11 a.m.
Registration is encouraged for all workshops and is available online.
 Volunteers in Corrections
Annual Flower Sale
The annual flower sale occurs on the following dates:
- April 28-30
- May 5-7
- May 12-14
- May 19-21
Hours include:
- Fridays, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
- Saturdays, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Sundays, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
The sale is located at the Ramsey County Correctional Facility and features a variety of hanging baskets, deck pots, vegetables and herbs. Please use the facility entrance off Lower Afton Road.
For more information, visit the Volunteer in Corrections website.
First half of 2017 property tax payments due May 15
The first half of 2017 property tax payments are due Monday, May 15. If your tax is $100 or less for real property or $50 or less for personal property, it must be paid in full by May 15.
Payment options
Payments must be postmarked on or before May 15 to avoid penalty. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Ramsey County.
Call 651-266-2222 or email AskPropertyTaxandRecords@co.ramsey.mn.us with questions
Mobile Household Hazardous Waste Collection - Roseville
Free household hazardous waste collection is available at 1725 Kent Street in Roseville on Fridays and Saturdays throughout June.
The site is open Fridays from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Click here to learn more about what items are accepted.
 Volunteers sought for Ramsey County Charter Commission
Applications are currently open to fill seven vacancies on the Ramsey County Charter Commission.
The Charter Commission is responsible for maintaining Ramsey County's Home Rule Charter. The charter is like the constitution for county government, spelling out its duties and responsibilities. Ramsey County is the only one of Minnesota's 87 counties to be governed by home rule - all others are governed by state laws.
Members of the commission periodically review the charter and propose necessary amendments and reviews and recommends proposals from the public. This unique volunteer opportunity is great for residents with an interest in local government, policy and leadership.
Appointments are made by the Ramsey County District Court, not the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. For information and an application, please contact Lucas Gosselin at 651-266-8250, or Lucas.Gosselin@courts.state.mn.us.
 Blooming Boulevards
Help make Roseville beautiful. Volunteer to plant flowers along Lexington Ave. at Roseville's Central Park as part of the City's Natural Resources Renewal efforts on Saturday, May 20.
Each month, Roseville hosts a volunteer opportunity at one of the local parks as part of the natural resources renewal project. It includes an educational component and status update of the overall project.
This May, we’re planting flowers along Lexington Ave. The boulevard is divided into plots and volunteers will be assigned to each plot. The City provides plants and tools, and automatic irrigation is provided.
Rain or shine, planting is set to begin at 9:00 a.m. Groups, individuals, and families are encouraged to participate. People of all ages are welcome and will have a role to play.
Please contact Volunteer Coordinator Kelly O’Brien kelly.obrien@cityofroseville.com or 651-792-7028 for information about volunteering.
Thanks for your help creating lasting environmental impacts in our parks.
Upcoming Events Around District 2
Wednesday, May 17 - Ramsey County Conservation Forum
Wednesday, May 17 - SAV Chamber of Commerce Free Networking Event
May 18, 19, & 20 - City of Little Canada City-Wide Garage Sale
Saturday, May 20 - Ramsey County Master Gardener Plant Sale
Saturday, May 20 - City of Roseville Community Shredding Day (Roseville residents only)
Saturday, May 20 - City of New Brighton Spring Clean Up Day
Saturday, May 20 - City of Lauderdale City-wide Garage Sale
Tuesday, May 23 - Roseville FD Presentation: Preventing Falls in Older Adults
Saturday, June 3 - WaterFest
Thursday, June 15 - Bike Rodeo with the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office
Tuesday, June 27 - Ramsey County Sheriff's Office Hot Dog with a Deputy at Pioneer Park in Little Canada