Meet Your Neighbor series offers community connection, learning
As part of a free new Meet Your Neighbor series, the City of Plymouth is set to hold three upcoming events that offer opportunities for community connection, learning and cultural exploration.
Designed to be educational, and allow for open dialogue and questions, upcoming Meet Your Neighbor events include:
Dementia Friends – Jan. 31 and May 14
Dementia Friends sessions offer information about dementia, including what it is like living with the disease, how to connect with people living with dementia, as well as where to go for resources and support. Dates include:
- 11 a.m. to noon, Friday, Jan. 31 – Virtual session via Zoom
- 10-11 a.m. Wednesday, May 14 at the Plymouth Community Center, 14800 34th Ave. N.
Basics of Islam and Muslim Lifestyle – Feb. 26
The event offers an opportunity for participants to learn about Islamic religion and culture 2-3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26 at the Plymouth Community Center.
Space is limited and preregistration is required. Register online at plymouthmn.gov/specialevents.
Those with questions may contact Recreation Supervisor Meghan Constantini at 763-509-5284 or mconstantini@plymouthmn.gov.