Construction Update - September 22
Fernbrook Lane
The contractor has put the final layer of blacktop on Fernbrook Lane from Highway 55 to 23rd Avenue. Finishing touches will soon follow and will complete that segment of the project.
The first layer of blacktop has been installed from 23rd Avenue to 21st Avenue. Trail and restoration work will be completed within the next couple weeks.
Underground utility repair work is underway from 21st Avenue to County Road 6, followed by curb and gutter installation, roadway paving and trail construction. This segment will be finished this fall.
Cornerstone Commons area The Cornerstone Commons area, including Holly Lane north of Medina Road, is mostly complete. There are only minor items left to address.
Cimarron East neighborhood The contractor is currently in process of milling the top 2” of blacktop roadway for the cul-de-sacs intersecting 19th Avenue. The remaining cul-de-sacs will be milled in mid-October. During milling, the roadway surface will remain solid pavement with a rougher surface. There will be a few minutes delay for vehicles while crews move past a driveway, but access will be maintained fully throughout the milling operations.
Roadways will remain in this condition for a few weeks while spot repairs of underground utilities in the neighborhood continues. Access will remain while the crews move around the neighborhood with these repairs.
Concrete curb and gutter repair work in Cimarron East is mostly complete. Paving will be completed this fall.