February work group meeting agendas available on 3M Settlement website

3M East Metro Settlement Updates

February work group meeting agendas available on 3M Settlement website

Meeting agendas for the Citizen–Business Work Group, Government and 3M Working Group and the Drinking Water Supply Subgroup are available on the 3M Settlement website — https://3msettlement.state.mn.us/.

At the February meetings, MPCA and DNR officials will be discussing preliminary results of their groundwater and drinking water modeling efforts, including potential costs of some of these options.

All meetings are open to the public. Questions? Email pfcinfo.pca@state.mn.us

Informational and listening sessions

Don't forget about the 3M Settlement informational and listening sessions coming up on Feb. 25, 26 and 27. Details for these meetings are also on the homepage of the 3M Settlement website.

In February 2018,  Minnesota and the 3M Company settled their lawsuit regarding natural resource damages associated with a group of chemicals known as PFCs. 3M is making a grant of $850 million as a condition of the settlement to address two priorities in the east metro area. Priority 1 is safe drinking water and groundwater sustainability. Priority 2 is restoring and enhancing natural resources.