Apply for a Youth Crew to Install Green Infrastructure
MPCA has contracted with Conservation Corps Minnesota to provide youth crews for a total of 25 days during 2017 to assist local communities with installation of green infrastructure on public lands. These projects will strengthen local resilience to Minnesota's changing climate. Communities may apply to be allocated a portion of the crew days.
Eligible projects include prep and planting of resilient tree and shrub species, rain gardens, boulevard swales, native/ adapted perennial and pollinator gardens, and similar projects on public lands for the purpose of improving local air quality, protecting water quality, addressing localized flooding, reducing urban heat, providing public amenities, and/or increasing social connectedness. Read about 2016 projects.
Priority will be given to projects that make improvements of benefit to low-income and/or environmental justice neighborhoods.
The timeframe for installation of projects is the last week in June until mid-August. (Ramsey County and Minneapolis sites may also schedule during spring and fall.)
Communities are responsible for procuring plant materials and supplies. This cost is NOT included as part of youth crew assistance. Establishing the plantings with sufficient watering and ongoing maintenance of the sites are local responsibilities. Participating communities will be expected to make this commitment.
To apply, email laura.millberg@state.mn.us with an expression of interest by February 10, using the Subject: Summer Youth Crews 2017. Include in the email: contact information for the applicant organization and project manager, a brief description of the type of green infrastructure installation, project location and neighborhood, and preferred timeframe. Indicate whether your community is also seeking MnDOT Roadside Landscape assistance and, if not, who will provide the plant materials and supplies.