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Fall is here, join us for new programs at your local Minneapolis parks!
Calling all mini Picasso's, Georgia O'Keefe's and Bob Ross's! We have a new class for the youngest of artists to get their creativity on! This class will create masterpieces using plaster, painter, paper mache and more!
Trucks, balls, scooters, mats and blocks, our toys are your to use during toddler time! We'll also have our neighborhood naturalist each week as well to share environmental crafts, stories and animals!
We are your Friday Night fun zone with food and movies! Don't miss the fun! We will also serve dinner so please let staff know any food allergies when signing up. You are also welcome bring your own dinner; program is intended for 5-12 year-olds.
Older Adult Programs
SAIL is an exercise and education program for older adults meeting twice a week for 12 weeks for one hour. The program includes a combination of aerobic conditioning, strength training, and balance exercises which have been shown to decrease the risk of falling.
The fourth Tuesday of each month, unless noted differently, is the senior luncheon at Lyndale Farmstead Park. Doors open at 12pm, lunch will be served at 12:15pm and the menu will be announced in advance. Please call Lyndale Farmstead by noon the Monday prior to the luncheon to reserve your spot. Come join our growing community of older adults!
Bryant Square is super excited to host a Halloween lunch on October 26th! Besides all the "finger" food we will have entertainment, face painting for everyone and of course a little Halloween Bingo! Don't miss out!