St. Anthony Parkway Trail reopens under Camden Bridge

minneapolis park and recreation

St. Anthony Parkway 

Español - Soomaali - Hmoob

St. Anthony Parkway Trail reopens under Camden Bridge

Repairs complete after section of trail washed out due to 2019 retaining wall failure

St. Anthony Parkway Regional Trail has reopened under the Camden bridge! The repaired trail features more open views, fewer walls and fences, and re-graded areas have been seeded with a natural woodland mix of grasses and wildflowers. A new at-grade pedestrian and bicycle crossing of 37th Avenue NE was also installed as part of this project.


In 2019, a large segment of trail that was retained by a concrete block wall failed, sending the trail, wall, and several thousand cubic yards of material downhill toward the Mississippi River. Since then, project staff studied the conditions that caused the washout and developed a new plan for this important trail link that connects St. Anthony Parkway to Webber Park, North Mississippi Regional Park and Anoka County’s Mississippi River Regional Trail.


Repair work started in September and is now complete. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board appreciates the public's patience while this important piece of public infrastructure was repaired.