Seasonal shared trails now separate for bikes, pedestrians

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Single use trails

Seasonal shared trails now separate for bikes, pedestrians

Walk Bike trails

Park users are reminded to use separate trails for walking and biking, where available.

Single-use trails open for spring

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) wants to alert park users that biking and walking paths that were combined into shared-use trails over the winter months are now open again as separate trails. Single-use trails add to the safety and enjoyment of all users. Trail users are asked to keep in mind:

  • Pedestrians may not walk or run on a bike path.
  • Bicyclists, skateboarders. in-line skaters, roller skaters and roller skiers may not use pedestrian paths.
  • When using a path, stay to the right unless passing.

Minneapolis has 51 miles of trails that follow the Grand Rounds Scenic Byway and many additional interior shared-use trails. Trails which are always shared are indicated by a "Combined Trail" or "Shared Trail" sign, as seen at right. On shared paths, bikers must yield to pedestrians.

More information on trail etiquette and safety is available on our website.

Shared use trail