Tessa Anttila and Rachel Johnson joined the Master Water Stewards program to help protect clean water. When it came time to put their knowledge into action, they didn't have to look far for the perfect project. See how these two aspiring community leaders for clean water created a stormwater-absorbing landscape in Northeast Minneapolis — and learn how you can do the same. Read more…
 This summer, the MWMO welcomed a Mississippi River Green Team alumni intern: Yengsoua Lee. After spending two years on the Mississippi River Green Team from 2012–2014, and then two summers as a naturalist intern with the Three Rivers Park District, Yengsoua was excited to apply for this new position and find his way back to the MWMO. Read more…
 At the MWMO, we partner with organizations to build a variety of infrastructure to manage stormwater. We often utilize above-ground green infrastructure as a visible way to clean the stormwater, but one feature that is becoming increasingly popular is neither green nor visible: underground water storage tanks. See how several of our recent large-scale reuse projects compare. Read more…
 For the environmentally conscious homeowner, there’s no shortage of creative ways to manage stormwater runoff — raingardens, rainbarrels, trees, dry wells, French drains, etc. But the simplest solutions are sometimes the best. And the simplest, lowest-cost way you can help protect local rivers and lakes from pollution is by redirecting your gutter downspouts to a vegetated space. Read more…
 The MWMO monitoring team works throughout the year — through rain, heat and freezing Minnesota winters — to work toward improving water quality in the watershed. Fortunately for us, the weather was nice when we accompanied them on a couple of recent field work days to get a better sense of what they do. Learn about some of the tools and methods the team uses to monitor water quality. Read more…
Still thirsty for more watershed news? Check out our blog.
New grant application deadlines announced
The MWMO has updated its grant application deadlines for the next round of Stewardship Fund and Capital Project grant cycles:
Apply now to become a Master Water Steward
The Master Water Stewards program is now accepting applications for its class of 2017-2018. If you live in the MWMO watershed and are interested in joining, you can learn more about the program on our website.
We Watch the Stream exhibit extended
The well-received exhibit documenting a year-long River Journey by St. Paul high school students has been extended through August 15, 2017. The exhibit is available for viewing at the Stormwater Park and Learning Center during business hours, Monday–Friday.
Transition Habitats mailbox installed at MWMO Stormwater Park
One of the art pieces from the MWMO-funded Transition Habitats project has been installed at our Stormwater Park and Learning Center. We are pleased to host the “bird mailbox” and look forward to helping collect data about the birds present around the MWMO site.
 Water Wisely
Do you know how much water you're wasting on your lawn? Would you want to know?
Researchers have shown that Twin Cities residents are wasting potable water through poor watering practices and inefficient irrigation systems. However, you can be a part of the solution by following these water-saving strategies from the University of Minnesota Extension.
Also, don't miss our summer lawn care tips page and our complete lawn care video series for more great tips on eco-friendly yard care.
Turfgrass Maintenance with Reduced Environmental Impacts | July 26, 8am-2:30pm — Free best practices training workshop for turfgrass maintenance professionals.
Watershed by Bike II | August 20, 10am-noon — Join us for a bike tour of the watershed in Northeast Minneapolis with singer, poet and cycling advocate Ben Weaver.
Master Water Stewards Info Session | August 29, 5:30pm-6:30pm — Learn about the curriculum, time commitment and future opportunities for Master Water Stewards.
Mini Grants Info Session | September 7, noon-1pm — Have an idea for promoting clean water and habitat? Learn how to apply for a Mini Grant from our Stewardship Fund.
Blueprint for Beautiful Yards & Clean Water | September 18, 5:30pm-7:30pm — Learn yard-care strategies that save time and money while protecting our water quality.
Winter Maintenance with Reduced Environmental Impacts | September 19, 8am-1:30pm — Free training workshop for winter maintenance professionals.
MWMO in the News
You might have missed these recent news stories about the MWMO and its partners: