Web: metrotransit.org/gold-line-construction
Construction Hotline: 651-602-1919
Email: goldline@metrotransit.org
Twitter: @GoldLineBRT
View an interactive map for specific construction location information.
Century Avenue/Highway 120 will close overnight between Hudson Road and the eastbound on- and off-ramps Monday, March 18, at 9 p.m. to Tuesday, March 19, at 6 a.m. and Tuesday, March 19, at 9 p.m. to Wednesday, March 20, at 6 a.m. The westbound off-ramp at Century Avenue/Hwy 120 and Hudson Service Road will also be closed overnight during these times. Follow posted detour route via Conway Avenue, McKnight Road, and Lower Afton Road.
Starting March 18, the westbound Interstate 94 (I-94) on- and off-ramps close at White Bear Avenue. Starting on April 1 White Bear Avenue between Old Huson . Crews will construct a bus underpass and bus lanes at White Bear Avenue. The ramps and road will be closed until fall 2024.
Starting March 25, Guider Drive will close between Bielenberg Drive and Queens Drive as crews reconstruct the roadway, replace underground utilities, and construct Queens Station. Follow posted detour route via Valley Creek Road and Woodlane Drive.
Starting on April 1, Hudson Boulevard from east of Century Avenue/Hwy 120 to Hadley Avenue will be reconstructed. Work will be completed in two stages. From April to mid-summer, Hudson Boulevard will be closed from Century Avenue/Highway 120 to Dellwood Lane and from Greystone Avenue to Hadley Avenue. Access to businesses and the city of Landfall will be maintained from Tenth Street and Greenway Avenue.
Starting April 8, a portion of Old Hudson Road will close between Ruth Street and McKnight Road as crews reconstruct the roadway and install underground utilities. The western driveway access on Old Hudson Road to Sun Ray Shopping Center will be closed. Access to Sun Ray Shopping Center will be modified throughout the construction season as activities continue in the area.
Starting April 8, Johnson Parkway will close between Wakefield Avenue and Hudson Road underneath Interstate 94 as crews construct a bus-only bridge over Johnson Parkway. Follow posted detour route via 3rd Street, Etna Street, and Burns Avenue.
Downtown St. Paul highlights
- In late March and April, crews will install steel beams for Gold Line BRT station platform shelters. This activity will require a lane closure adjacent to the station platforms on 5th Street, 6th Street, and Wacouta Street.
- In mid-April, crews will begin activities at the future 6th Street & Washington Station area. Starting mid-April, expect lane closures on 6th Street and St. Peter Street intersection as crews begin construction.
- Starting Saturday, March 16, Metro Transit will be detouring buses traveling on 6th Street in downtown St. Paul to 7th Street, affecting routes 21, 54, 61, 63, 64, 70, 74, 94, 275, 294, 351, and 363. Metro Transit has communicated this detour through rider alerts, signage at existing bus stops on 6th Street, and on the website. For additional information: https://www.metrotransit.org/quarterly-service-changes-begin-saturday-march-16
East St. Paul highlights
- Starting March 18, the westbound Interstate 94 (I-94) on- and off-ramp at White Bear Avenue will close. Expect intermittent lane closures on White Bear Avenue starting March 18 to April 1.
- Starting April 1, White Bear Avenue between Old Hudson Road will close until fall 2024.
- Starting April 8, Johnson Parkway closes between Wakefield Avenue and Hudson Road underneath Interstate 94 as crews construct a bus-only bridge over Johnson Parkway. Follow posted detour route via 3rd Street, Etna Street, and Burns Avenue. The closure will remain in effect into June 2024. Pedestrian access along Johnson Parkway under I-94 will be maintained.
- Starting April 8, a portion of Old Hudson Road will close between Ruth Street and McKnight Road as crews reconstruct the roadway and install underground utilities. The western driveway to access Sun Ray Shopping Center will be closed. Access will be maintained to Sun Ray Shopping Center and to local businesses from McKnight Road.
- Crews pour concrete for the Mounds Station platform.
- Bridge construction continues at Johnson Parkway as crews construct bridge abutments.
- Crews install noise walls along the future bus-only lanes between Johnson Parkway and Etna Street.
- Near Etna Street, crews excavate a retaining pond.
- Crews construct the Hazel Station and install stormwater sewer near Old Hudson Road and Luella Street. Old Hudson Road is reopened to all traffic.
- Crews install storm sewers and construct bridge abutments and piers near the intersection of McKnight Road and Hudson Road for a pedestrian and bus-only bridge.
Traffic Impacts:
- Maple Street pedestrian bridge remains closed.
- Hudson Road east of Frank Street to Griffith Street remains closed this winter. Access to properties is maintained from the west to Frank Street.
- Old Hudson Road east of Luella Street is reopened.
- Concrete lanes on Hudson Road are future bus-only lanes for the Gold Line route. They are closed to regular vehicle traffic.
 Image: Hudson Road Closure Map
 Image: White Bear Avenue Closure Map
 Image: Old Hudson Road Closure Map
 Image: McKnight Road and Old Hudson Road construction work zone map
Maplewood/Landfall/Oakdale highlights
- Century Avenue/Highway 120 closes overnight between Hudson Road and the eastbound on- and off-ramps starting Monday, March 18, at 9 p.m. to Tuesday, March 19, at 6 a.m. and Tuesday, March 19, at 9 p.m. to Wednesday, March 20, at 6 a.m. The westbound off-ramp at Century Avenue/Hwy 120 and Hudson Service Road will be closed overnight during these times. Follow posted detour route via Conway Avenue, McKnight Road, and Lower Afton Road.
- Starting April 1, Hudson Boulevard from east of Century Avenue/Hwy 120 to Hadley Avenue will be reconstructed. Work will be completed in two stages. From April 1 to mid-summer, Hudson Boulevard closed from Century Avenue/Highway 120 to Dellwood Lane and from Greystone Avenue to Hadley Avenue. Access to businesses and the city of Landfall will be maintained from Tenth Street and Greenway Avenue.
- Crews construct bridge abutments near the intersection of McKnight Road and Hudson Road for a pedestrian and bus-only bridge.
- Crews install stormwater sewer at the Maplewood Station.
- Construction activities continue on Century Avenue/Highway 120 as crews construct foundations for the pedestrian and bus-only bridge over Century Avenue.
- Crews continue construction of the 4th Street bridge. Expect additional noise and lighting during these activities.
- Private utility relocation work continues along 4th Street, Hadley Avenue, and Hudson Boulevard in Maplewood, Landfall, and Oakdale.
Traffic impacts:
- Ongoing overnight inside lane closures of Interstate 694 (I-694) between 10th Street and Interstate 94 as crews reconstruct the 4th Street bridge in Oakdale.
- 4th Street Bridge is closed between Hale Avenue and Hayward Avenue. The bridge will be closed for the 2024 construction season as crews reconstruct the bridge. Follow the posted detour route.
- Lane shifts and lane closures near McKnight Road and Hudson Road will continue this spring.
- Century Avenue/Highway 120 is reduced to a single lane in each direction between Innovation Blvd and Brookview Drive, on either side of the I-94 overpass.
- Lane shifts on 4th Street and Hayward Street in Oakdale should be anticipated for the relocation of utilities and the construction of retaining walls.
 Image: Century Ave Closure Map
 Image: 4th Street Bridge closure map
 Image: Crews install conduit at the Earl Station in east St. Paul
Woodbury highlights
- Starting March 25, Guider Drive closes between Bielenberg Drive and Queens Drive as crews reconstruct the roadway, replace underground utilities, and construct Queens Station. Follow posted detour route via Valley Creek Road and Woodlane Drive.
- Crews construct ponds on the south side of I-94 in Woodbury, east of Century Avenue/Hwy 120. Expect additional noise and construction activities north and south of the interstate near the intersection of Sherrie Lane and Woodbine Avenue in Woodbury and near the intersection of Hudson Road and Dellwood Lane in Oakdale/Landfall.
- Crews continue construction of Queens Station on Guider Drive west of Bielenberg Drive.
- Construction continues for the new Woodlane Park & Ride near the intersection of Woodlane Drive and Guider Drive. Crews continue to pour concrete for the future park & ride structure.
Traffic Impacts:
- Guider Drive between Bielenberg Drive and Queens Drive is partially reopened temporarily for the winter.
 Image: Woodbury construction work zone map
 Image: Crews pour concrete for the Mounds Station area
 Image: Wall forms for the 4th Street bridge
Nearby Projects Under Construction
Nearby Projects Being Planned
MnDOT Highway 61 Study
- A study along Hwy 61 from I-94 to Lower Afton Rd. in St. Paul to determine what safety, mobility and accessibility improvements are needed for a 2027 resurfacing project.
MnDOT East Seventh Street and Arcade Street Improvements
- Safety improvements for all users along East 7th St./Hwy 5 and Arcade St./Hwy 61 from I-94 in St. Paul to Roselawn Ave. in Maplewood.