July 10, 2023
Web: metrotransit.org/gold-line-construction
Construction Hotline: 651-602-1919
Email: goldline@metrotransit.org
Twitter: @GoldLineBRT
View an interactive map for specific construction location information.
- Construction Overview
- Woodlane Station Park & Ride Bid Awarded
- Station Spotlight Series: Hazel Station
- Survey - Help Us Build a Better Transit System
The 2023 construction season is well underway, with many activities progressing throughout the Gold Line project area. Below are highlights of work that has occurred so far this year, and a list of upcoming closures to expect in the coming month.
Downtown St. Paul:
- Crews are working at two future BRT platform locations on 5th Street and 6th Street between Cedar Street and Minnesota Street in Downtown St. Paul, excavating station areas and constructing platform foundations.
East St. Paul:
- Sections of the noise wall along Hudson Road between Mounds Boulevard and Johnson Parkway were removed this spring as crews prepared the area for upcoming road reconstruction.
- The Earl Street bridge closed in April as crews retrofit the existing bridge and build foundations for the new retaining walls in the area.
- Crews continue constructing the new bus-only bridge near Etna Street in East St. Paul. When completed, the bridge will connect Hudson Road by carrying Gold Line buses over Etna Street, Highway 61 and I-94 ramps.
- Construction began this spring at Ruth Street where a new section of the Ruth Street bridge is being constructed. Once completed, the future Gold Line route will run underneath the bridge. The I-94 westbound ramp at Ruth Street is also being reconstructed to accommodate the new bus-only lanes.
Maplewood, Landfall, Oakdale:
- This spring, crews installed underground stormwater sewers along the future Gold Line route near Helmo Avenue and 4th Street in Oakdale.
- Crews continue building bridge foundations on the north side of I-94 at Hudson Road and Helmo Avenue for the new Bielenberg Drive bridge.
 Image: Bridge foundations north of I-94 in Oakdale
- Crews are building bridge foundations near Bielenberg Drive and Hudson Road on the south side of I-94 for the new Bielenberg Drive bridge in Woodbury.
- This spring, crews also began the reconstruction of the west side of Bielenberg Drive in Woodbury.
- Crews continue installing stormwater sewers north to south along Bielenberg Drive in Woodbury and constructing new retaining walls.
 Image: Bridge foundations near Etna Street in East St. Paul
 Image: Excavation near Earl Street in East St. Paul
 Image: Stormwater sewer installations in Oakdale
Upcoming Road Closures:
Hudson Road closures
- Sections of Hudson Road between Maria Avenue and Griffith Street are closing in either late June or early July through fall 2023 as the road is reconstructed and underground utilities are replaced.
I-94 Weekend Closure
- I-94 between I-35E and I-494/I694 will close for a weekend in mid-July for the demolition of the Maple Street pedestrian bridge in East St. Paul.
Donlar Construction was awarded the bid to construct the Woodlane Station Park & Ride in Woodbury. The future Park & Ride site is near the intersection of Woodlane Drive and Guider Drive in Woodbury. Once completed, the Park & Ride will be a 3-level parking structure with 520 parking spaces, and a BRT station, making it a vital multi-use station for the Gold Line BRT. Donlar Construction will begin working at the site in mid-summer and work is scheduled to be completed in 2024.

Hazel Station: Near the intersection of Hazel Street and Old Hudson Road
- 6,432 people live within one-half mile of the Hazel Station area; 12.5% of households in the station area rely on transit.
- The future Hazel Station will be located on the eastside of St. Paul.
Station highlights: The Hazel station will provide Gold Line customers with connections to retail businesses, and residential areas.
- 3,127 jobs within one-half mile of the station area
- New walk-up stations, added bicycle parking, new lighted pedestrian connections to Hazel Street and Luella Street, new curb extensions, and a filtration basin
- Major destinations: Sun Ray Public Library, Conway Recreation Center
- Proximity to nearby bus routes: route 63, 70, 80, and 219
Hazel station illustration

Hazel Station site plans

Metro Transit is committed to providing a cleaner, safer, and more welcoming transit system for all customers. To reach this goal, we want to hear from you. Completing this survey should take less than 5 minutes and will guide our efforts. As we make improvements, we will check back with you on how we are doing. When Gold Line opens, we want to ensure that we are providing an excellent experience for our customers. Efforts today will benefit projects in development for a better transit system and experience tomorrow.
Connect with Gold Line staff
If you are interested in connecting about the Gold Line project, please reach out to Emmanuel Larayetan, Associate Community Outreach Coordinator at 651-602-1922 or emmanuel.larayetan@metrotransit.org.
Please leave a voicemail message, and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Call or email the Gold Line construction hotline with questions or concerns: 651-602-1919 or goldline@metrotransit.org
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Get the latest Gold Line updates by following us on Twitter @GoldLineBRT and Facebook @MetroTransitMN.
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