After four years of refining design plans and collecting input from community stakeholders, we are excited to share that a major project milestone has been reached with the completion of the METRO Gold Line BRT final design.
Check out the Gold Line final design through an interactive map where you can see the final route, station location, and shelter designs. Zoom in on the map and click on an individual station to see its shelter design and site plan.
Final design highlights include:
- Convenient trail connections between stations and neighborhoods for people walking, biking, and rolling
- Upgraded crossings near stations and along the Gold Line route so people can safely use trails and access the station area
- Use of natural colors and materials in the shelter design and landscaping in the station area to highlight east metro’s natural environment, greenery, and parks
- Renaming of the Woodbury stations so they are similar with the rest of the station names
Thank you to the Gold Line communities and stakeholders for your feedback on the design over the last few years. With the design completed, Gold Line’s engineers are finalizing plans for construction, which is expected to start in late 2022. For more information on the Gold Line design and engineering process, visit the project website.
We expect Gold Line construction for the roads, bridges, and stations to begin in late 2022, but you will see some utility construction starting this spring. To kick off Gold Line construction, we are excited to welcome our new construction manager, Steve Barrett, to the project team! Steve will oversee the construction contractors and activities.
Steve has 30 years of experience in construction and engineering for transportation-related projects and most recently worked at the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Steve’s construction manager resume includes the four-year 35W@94 Downtown to Crosstown reconstruction project in Minneapolis that was completed in fall 2021, and included the construction of the METRO Orange Line Lake Street Station that opened in December 2021. He is passionate about making functional changes in communities to improve peoples’ everyday lives.
Learn more about Gold Line construction and the upcoming utility work on the project website.
In case you missed it, Metro Transit published a blog post in Rider’s Almanac in February that shared the news that AbleLight Cornerstone Village, a nonprofit developer, will be building a 71-unit affordable apartment building for people with disabilities in Oakdale, adjacent to the Gold Line route and near Helmo Avenue Station. Gold Line’s role in spurring this new housing development was also highlighted recently in Star Tribune and Pioneer Press.
In the last 18 years, approximately $15 billion of new housing and commercial developments have been built near high-frequency transit routes in the Twin Cities metro area, also known as the METRO system, and another $9.5 billion is planned in the future.
Connect with Gold Line staff
If you have any questions or comments, reach out to Liz Jones, Community Outreach Lead, at 651-602-1977 or, or contact Karina Kelton, Community Outreach Associate, at 651-602-1976 or
Liz and Karina are working remotely. Please leave a voicemail and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
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