Despite 2021 being another year full of the unexpected, the METRO Gold Line BRT project continued to reach several milestones to move the project forward, including:
• Completed federal requirements on station and shelter design to enter the engineering phase of the project and begin preparing construction plans • Finished shelter, station area, and route designs • Attended several community events in the project area and spoke with over 100 people • Connected virtually and in-person with many residents, businesses, and community groups
2022 will be a big year for Gold Line with construction expected to begin in the summer. Stay tuned next year for more details on:
• The final shelter and station area designs • Construction contract bidding and contractor selection • Gold Line groundbreaking • Construction schedule and staging including what businesses, residents, transit customers, and drivers can expect during construction
We asked Maplewood's Gold Line advisory committee members to tell us what they think about the future BRT line coming through and stopping in their city. Maplewood resident and advisory committee co-chair, Darrell Paulsen, and 3M employee, Torin Gustafson, shared their perspectives. Read their responses below and learn more about Gold Line’s advisory committees.
In a few words, what are the unique characteristics of the area of Maplewood around the Gold Line station?
Darrell Paulsen: While it brings some challenges, Gold Line is routing through a unique area in the region, including a Fortune 500 company and vibrant Maplewood residential communities.
Torin Gustafson: This station is unique because it will literally serve the front door of 3M global headquarters, where thousands of people work. Both downtown St. Paul and Woodbury are served by this line, where many 3M employees live. It is also in proximity to Battle Creek Regional Park for recreational use.
Why did you decide to apply for the Gold Line Community and Business Advisory Committee?
Darrell: I am a middle-aged man with a disability that uses transit as my primary way to interact with my community. As co-chair of the Community and Business Advisory Committee, I have truly seen the real benefit and necessary financial cost of making a real investment, while at the same time producing necessary outcomes and preserving the quality of life desired by transit riders.
Torin: I applied for the advisory committee because I have seen and experienced how good transportation options have a positive transformative effect on people’s lives, and how transit brings new homes, development, and business to areas where it is installed.
In your opinion, how will Gold Line benefit your community? What excites you about having Gold Line in your community?
Darrell: What excites me the most about Gold Line BRT coming to our neighborhood is making a true east-west transit connection to unique and vibrant neighborhoods and people taking the time to explore and take advantage of opportunities that only public transit can offer. Hooray--can’t wait to ride in 2025!
Torin: I am excited for the Gold Line because it connects important east metro hubs of activity together in a way that allows for easy movement without the hassles of driving and parking a car at each destination. Not only does this help people with cars, but those who cannot or should not drive can have freedom to move around their communities in a way that works for them. As populations and demand increase over time, BRT can easily extend capacity and frequency as needed for minimal expense, making it a fiscally wise long-term transportation option. It is also an integral piece in building a reliable, efficient, and comprehensive transportation network for the entire Twin Cities.
Station location: North of Hudson Road and south of the 3M Headquarters
Population near stations: 2,500 people live within half a mile of Maplewood Station; 3.5% of households in the station area rely on transit.
Station highlights: The station will provide Gold Line riders with connections to neighborhoods, trails, and businesses in Maplewood, including:
• 10,000 jobs within half mile of the station, many of which are located at the 3M Headquarters and other 3M buildings in the area • New bridges over McKnight Road and Century Avenue for buses and people walking, biking and rolling • New trails along Century Avenue to connect neighborhoods north and south of Interstate 94 to the station, and a new trail adjacent to the Gold Line route in Maplewood that will run from St. Paul to Woodbury
Maplewood Station Site Plan

Maplewood Station Illustration
Connect with Gold Line staff If you have any questions for comments, reach out to Liz Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, at 651-602-1977 or
Liz is working remotely. Please leave a voicemail and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
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