Metro Update: Rail and bus projects move forward

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Pandemic & progress: 2021 in review

Met Council Chair Charlie Zelle

Metropolitan Council Chair Charlie Zelle looks back at 2021 and the progress we made despite the big challenges of the ongoing pandemic. Read the Chair's reflections.

Finalists named for open Council seat

The Metropolitan Council Nominating Committee has forwarded the names of three finalists for the open position for District 6 Council member to Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan for consideration. Learn who the finalists are and watch  interviews with all of the candidates.

Public hearing on amendment to transportation plan

The Met Council proposes to amend its 2040 Transportation Policy Plan to include several arterial bus rapid transit projects and a group of freight highway projects. A public hearing on the amendment is set for January 10, and public comments are welcome through January 24. 

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December 21 | 2021

Apply now for the METRO Blue Line Extension Anti-Displacement Workgroup

Community members sought for BLRT workgroup

The METRO Blue Line Extension project is seeking applications from community members for a new Anti-Displacement Workgroup. Members will help guide anti-displacement strategies and policy development by providing personal insight, local expertise, and direct connections to communities impacted by the project. Learn about how to apply.

Metro Transit releases Draft Route Modification Report for Blue Line Extension

Blue Line Extension route options map excerpt

The new report describes the overall process, public input, and technical evaluation that will inform the recommendation of a community-supported route for the METRO Blue Line Extension in spring 2022. The project office seeks public comments on the report through January 25.

On the lookout for the Omicron variant

Wastewater sample vials

Signs of the Omicron variant have begun to show up in wastewater samples at the region’s largest wastewater treatment plant, the Metro Plant in Saint Paul. Wastewater sampling does not confirm individual cases or exactly where outbreaks are occurring. But it is a measure of the prevalence of the disease in the plant's service area and it supplements diagnostic testing. Our story and video discuss the research effort.

Purple Line receives key federal approval

Excerpt of Purple Line map

The METRO Purple Line, a bus rapid transit line that will operate between Saint Paul and White Bear Lake, has received approval to enter the Project Development phase of the Federal Transit Administration's New Starts program. Project leadership now transitions from Ramsey County to the Met Council. The corridor includes several major employers and destinations.

Solar-for-Vouchers pilot program wraps up with new housing units, lessons learned

Solar panel installation

The Met Council’s pilot Solar-for-Vouchers Program has wrapped up, even as planners consider the next steps toward advancing the dual goals of more affordable housing and less reliance on traditional energy sources. Property owners participating in the pilot are enthusiastic about program goals.

Parks Legacy Fund has big impacts on regional park development

Emmet Mullin, Met Council Regional Parks Manager

Minnesota’s Legacy Fund is called a “game changer” when it comes to helping to support our renowned system of regional parks and trails. Take, for example, the new Lower Landing at the Cottage Grove Ravine Regional Park. It’ll be the facility’s first winter. The Council’s Parks Manager, Emmett Mullin, shows off this new amenity and says you don’t want to miss it.