Gold Line has an advisory committee comprised of residential and business representatives who advise project staff on how Gold Line can best serve the neighborhoods and businesses along the route.
We asked committee members to share what they love about Woodbury and what they think about Gold Line coming to the city. Woodbury residents Nyagatare Valens, Amanda Hemmingsen-Jaeger, John Chikkala, and Emanuel Ekstrom shared their thoughts. Read their ideas below!
In a few words, what do you enjoy about Woodbury? Nyagatare Valens: Dynamic and enjoyable.
Amanda Hemmingsen-Jaeger: Parks and trails.
John Chikkala: As a resident of Woodbury, I enjoy living here as the city offers the latest options in the marketplace, quality of education to children that attend schools here, cultural diversity, and ecofriendly recreational opportunities.
Emanuel Ekstrom: Woodbury is forward thinking.
Why did you initially decide to apply for the Gold Line Community and Business Advisory Committee? Nyagatare: I applied to provide input that may affect our children's future and good life in Woodbury.
Amanda: I saw the Gold Line Community and Business Advisory Committee as an opportunity to offer a neighborhood perspective to a large transportation change coming to Woodbury. I also saw the committee as a way for me to become better connected with other “Woodburians.”
John: I decided to apply for the Gold Line Community Advisory Committee to represent Woodbury, as an individual with a passion to protect human health, and the environment, and as an advocate for mass transit.
Emanuel: I applied to provide input and share my experiences to an important project for the city.
Why is Gold Line important to your community? Nyagatare: Gold Line will provide Woodbury citizens and neighboring cities access to a variety of businesses available in Woodbury.
Amanda: Overall, Gold Line offers the people of Woodbury better mobility around the metro through access to the Metro Transit system. Gold Line offers an alternative to commuting to and from the downtowns of Minneapolis and St. Paul. This decreases our carbon footprint and helps combat climate change. Its increased frequency allows working parents, like myself, the option to securely travel to and from work while having the flexibility to respond to my children's needs. Gold Line also offers opportunities for local employers who need workers for our vast retail and restaurant networks as well as people seeking jobs. Finally, Gold Line offers better accessibility to our senior citizens, people with disabilities, and people with limited mobility the opportunity to better partake in more of what Woodbury offers.
John: I had the honor of serving on two advisory commissions for the City of Woodbury for two terms each. I believe Gold Line, and the numerous infrastructure upgrades proposed, are extremely beneficial to all communities involved. In addition, Gold Line offers an alternative transportation option to commute to work, travel to neighboring cities, and a chance to enjoy new places for recreation.
Emanuel: Public transportation is critical for sustainable growth and it will enhance our mobility. Gold Line will provide opportunities for employees to get to work, for potential customers to get to a place of business, and create a closer tie between Woodbury, St. Paul, and other cities in the region.
Station locations:
• Tamarack Station: intersection of Bielenberg Drive and Tamarack Hills business center entrance • Woodbury Theatre Station: intersection of Guider Drive and Queens Drive • Woodbury 494 Park & Ride Station: intersection of Guider Drive and Woodlane Drive
Population near stations: 7,000 people live within half a mile of the Woodbury stations; 5% of households in the station area rely on transit.
Stations’ highlights: The stations will provide Gold Line riders with connections to many retail businesses, restaurants, neighborhoods, and trails in Woodbury:
• 10,700 jobs within half mile • Major destinations: Tamarack Hills business center, Woodbury Village Shopping Center, Woodbury 10 Theatre • New parking ramp at the Woodbury 494 Park & Ride Station • New Bielenberg Helmo Bridge connecting Bielenberg Drive in Woodbury and Helmo Avenue in Oakdale • A new trail making it easier for people to walk, bike, and roll will be built between Hazel Street Station in St. Paul and Woodbury 494 Park & Ride Station
Frequently asked questions we receive about Gold Line in Woodbury:
Will Woodbury 10 Theatre be affected by Gold Line construction? Gold Line’s Woodbury Theatre Station will be constructed just north of the Woodbury 10 Theatre and will not affect the theatre building. Metropolitan Council, which operates Metro Transit, owns this building and leases it to the theatre operator.
The City of Woodbury is anticipating changes to this area and creating a master plan for zoning and development near the planned Gold Line stations. This plan will guide long-term development or redevelopment near stations to complement Gold Line service. The plan will consider long-term scenarios that re-zone the Woodbury 10 Theatre site for different uses.
Will the new Bielenberg Helmo Bridge be for buses only? People who walk, bike, and roll will be able to enjoy a new trail on the future Bielenberg Helmo Bridge in addition to the new lanes for cars and buses. Once the bridge is built, community members will have a new connection over I-94 between Helmo Avenue in Oakdale and Bielenberg Drive in Woodbury.
Will Gold Line affect the existing express bus service at Woodbury Theatre Park & Ride? The express bus service is expected to remain after Gold Line begins operating in 2025. While the express buses connect Woodbury residents to downtown St. Paul and Minneapolis only during weekday rush hours, Gold Line will provide frequent, all-day transit service, seven days a week. Approximately 13% of households within half-mile from Gold Line stations are without cars. Gold Line will provide a reliable, frequent transit option for people to access jobs, school, errands, community services, and entertainment that is affordable and high-quality.
When will we see more information on the Woodbury 494 Park & Ride Station? Woodbury 494 Park & Ride Station is on a different design schedule than the other Gold Line stations, and we expect to share more information on this station’s design in spring 2022. A parking ramp is expected to be constructed at this location, providing Gold Line riders with covered parking during bad weather and over 500 parking stalls, so customers won’t need to worry about finding a spot.
See the station site plans for Tamarack Station and Woodbury Theatre Station below, and visit the project website to view the updated plans for the other Gold Line stations.
Tamarack Station Site Plan

Woodbury Theatre Station Site Plan
Connect with Gold Line staff If you have any questions for comments, reach out to Liz Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, at 651-602-1977 or
Liz is working remotely. Please leave a voicemail and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
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