A big thank you to those who attended the events for the METRO Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Environmental Assessment and to all who provided comments on the report, which evaluates potential benefits and impacts from the project’s construction and operations. The environmental assessment was available for public comment from early October to early November. The Gold Line project also hosted three events in October to provide the community an opportunity to talk with project staff and review and comment on the report. Read the Star Tribune article that provides an overview of the events and environmental assessment.
The comments, along with environmental analysis, will influence decisions related to how Gold Line will impact the region. The Metropolitan Council and the Federal Transit Administration, as lead regional and federal agencies, will review the comments received from the events and during the public comment period. These comments will help determine whether additional analysis is needed for environmental approval. The environmental decision document will respond to substantive comments and is expected to be issued in early 2020.
Check out the project website if you are interested in learning more about the environmental assessment and next steps.
Even though the days are getting colder and shorter, there are still fun activities and celebrations to enjoy with your community, and opportunities to stay engaged on the Gold Line project! Visit Gold Line staff at the following community events and pop-ups throughout the corridor to learn more about Gold Line, talk with project staff and ask questions.
We hope we’ll see you at one of these upcoming events or locations:
Woodbury Central Park, Nov. 21 Oakdale Indoor Market, Dec. 7 Saint Paul Farmers’ Market at Union Depot, Dec. 12
Get more details about these and other upcoming events.
Connect with Gold Line staff If you are interested in connecting about the Gold Line project or having Gold Line staff come to your neighborhood group, community organization, business or event, please reach out to Liz Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, at 651-602-1977 or elizabeth.jones@metrotransit.org
Follow us on social media Get the latest Gold Line BRT updates by following us on Twitter @GoldLineBRT and Facebook @MetroTransitMN.
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