Gold Line’s Corridor Management Committee and community leaders are continuing to review proposed additions to the Gold Line that would make the project more accessible to the local community with additional pedestrian connections. A final recommendation about the project’s scope and an updated cost estimate are expected later this summer.
As part of the efforts to understand needs and opportunities, new members of the Met Council and Chair Nora Slawik were joined by local elected officials and business and community leaders to tour the project.
What kind of amenities and features would you like to see at your Gold Line station? How can the station design or architecture best reflect your neighborhood’s characteristics? What makes your community great?
Share your answers to these questions about Gold Line station design and your community: take an online survey or visit us at an upcoming event! Let us know what station features will enhance your experience on the Gold Line and reflect the unique characteristics and needs of your community.
Take an online survey Take our 10-question survey before it closes at the end of day on Friday, April 19, 2019: www.surveymonkey.com/r/goldline
Talk with project staff Stop by a Gold Line pop-up table and talk to project staff about your station design preferences. For events and locations: www.metrotransit.org/gold-line-public-engagement.
Request a presentation If you are interested in connecting about the Gold Line project or having Gold Line staff come to your neighborhood group, community organization, business or event, please reach out to Liz Jones, Community Outreach Coordinator, at 651-602-1977 or elizabeth.jones@metrotransit.org
Follow us on social media Get the latest Gold Line BRT updates by following us on Twitter @GoldLineBRT and Facebook @MetroTransitMN.
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