ECLDS May Newsletter: News and Resources for Your Data Exploration

Minnesota EarlyChildhood Longitudinal Data System

News and Resources for Your Data Exploration

May 4, 2023

Illustration of data analysts networking

Data Insights on the Road

Connect with other local data users while learning about ECLDS, SLEDS, the Minnesota Student Survey, and the MDE Data Center. Daylong sessions will be held at various locations across the state so you can work alongside others who are interested in using and sharing publicly available data for program improvement, asset-framing, and strategic planning.

We’re focusing the content on information useful for ​Education Partnerships Coalition members, ​ECLDS+SLEDS Regional Coaching Network members, Regional Labor Market Analysts, ​Full-Service Community School partnership staff, Regional Prevention Coordinators, and more.

Plans are still being finalized. Please reach out to us at so we can share dates, locations, and registration information with you.

Get Your Exclusive Access to 2020 Census Data about the U.S.’s Youngest Kids

American Community Survey (ACS) 2020 data about families with young children is now available on ECLDS in smaller age bands for most counties in the 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. ECLDS is the exclusive online home to customized ACS tables featuring data on 30 topics about babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Visit the ECLDS Census Data Tool to access your county and/or state’s data today.

Stay Connected with Early Childhood Happenings

The Department of Human Services is excited to share a new effort to improve communications with child care providers and early educators – the Early Childhood Connector newsletter. This cross-agency effort includes a quarterly newsletter and updates to child care providers and early educators in Minnesota. The Early Childhood Connector will highlight resources, supports and updates on child care and early education from the Minnesota Children’s Cabinet and Departments of Education, Health, and Human Services. Content will be tailored to licensed and non-licensed child care, Head Start, and prekindergarten programs.

By signing up for the Early Childhood Connector, you can expect a quarterly newsletter, the Great Start Update, and occasional updates.

Tips and Tools

Our Regional Coaching Network Connects You with Data

Are you a data newbie? Whether it is your first time navigating the site or you need help to access a customized report, you can count on personalized support to help you along your data exploration. The ECLDS+SLEDS Regional Coaching Network is your nearby, personal resource for better understanding the data available to you in ECLDS.

The network has coaches in all corners of the state, ready to work closely with you to address the technical issues that may arise when accessing, using, and applying data shown on both ECLDS and SLEDS.

If you are new to ECLDS or would like assistance with data analysis, contact a regional data coach close to you.

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Share Your ECLDS Stories

How has ECLDS helped you in your work? Send us your anecdotes, stories, studies, press releases, and photos to help us understand how ECLDS is being used and how it could grow to meet your needs. We appreciate your feedback. Please email your stories to