This is a reminder that budget narratives need to be completed and uploaded to the MMB Budget Division SharePoint site to your agency Biennial Budget/2026-27 Biennial Budget/Background Narratives folder by the end of the day on Friday, August 9. Please make sure to read the Narrative instructions and review the current templates that can be found on the MMB Biennial Budget Instructions webpage under Budget Narrative Instructions before submitting.
2026-27 Template Changes
“Results” Section – Option 2 table: If your agency is using the option 2 table (example below) to show performance information, the table has changed. Adjust the Result’s table in your budget narratives for the revised table layout and required information.
Agency Profile “Purpose” Section: Describe how your agency is contributing to or advancing the One Minnesota Plan Priorities and Measurable Goals. Agency strategic plans include a section that outlines how your agency activities align with the One Minnesota Plan.
You are encouraged to work closely with your Executive Budget Officer (EBO) on the development of FY 2026-27 budget materials for your agency.
Changes to your agency budget structure need to be reviewed and approved by your EBO prior to entry into SWIFT or BPAS. If a new budget program or activity is being added or a program or activity name change is being requested, the agency must submit the Budget Structure Change Form to their EBO prior to August 9.
Starting today, Thursday, August 1, the Budget Planning and Analysis System (BPAS) is closed to prepare the system for the 2026-27 Biennial Budget process. BPAS will reopen for agency and MMB Budget Division users on Tuesday, August 20.
Please contact with any questions about BPAS system access.
MMB will offer two webinars in addition to the online instructional videos and written guides. Both webinars are available to new BPAS users and returning users who would like a refresher.
The first webinar focuses on the 2026-27 Biennial Budget Process. Participants will learn about the State’s biennial budget process, focusing on due dates and deliverables to the MMB Budget Division. The second webinar provides an overview of BPAS, including how to access and navigate BPAS; viewing, entering, and editing appropriation data; entering change item requests; and running agency reports.
Both webinars will be offered twice. Users will receive a separate email next week with details and registration instructions to sign up for these webinars through Enterprise Learning Management (ELM).
- Dates for 2026-27 Biennial Budget Process webinar (approx. 1 hour)
- Tuesday, August 13, at 11:00 a.m.
- Tuesday, August 20, at 2:00 p.m.
- Dates for Introduction to BPAS webinar (approx. 2 hours)
- Thursday, August 22, at 10:00 a.m.
- Wednesday, August 28, at 1:00 p.m.
If you cannot attend these webinars, the training content (recorded presentation and PDF guide) will be published to the Budget Planning and Analysis System (BPAS) webpage under the “System Training Materials” section. You can also review the 2026-27 Biennial Budget Process and Timeline Quick Reference Guide (PDF) on the MMB website for details about the Biennial Budget process and important due dates.
If you have questions related to these webinar trainings, please contact the Budget Planning and Operations team at