November 1, 2022
For users of the Appropriation Maintenance Application (AMA) and Budget Planning and Analysis System (BPAS).
The budget items below must be submitted by agencies, where applicable, by November 30, 2022.
Departmental Earnings Analysis Agencies that have departmental earnings must complete a departmental earnings analysis, which includes reviewing and updating fiscal information in the DE system and creating a narrative to explain each departmental earnings group. The 2024-25 Departmental Earnings Report Instructions include details on completing your analysis. A list of agencies responsible for completing a departmental earnings report in the system can be found in Appendix 2 of the instructions. For help using the DE system, refer to the DE Training Videos, User Guide, or email
Federal Funds Summary Agencies that receive and spend federal funds must complete a federal funds summary table and narrative and upload them to the MMB Budget Division SharePoint site in their agency 2024-25 Biennial Budget folder. The 2024-25 Biennial Budget Instructions webpage includes instructions for completing the federal funds summary table and narrative and has a link to the federal funds summary template agencies must use.
Grants Funding Detail The Grants Funding detail document is necessary for agencies with significant pass through funding or local grant payments. This document is a stand-alone document that explains the level and the nature of the payments to individuals or local assistance programs. Agencies can read the Grants Funding Detail Instructions on the MMB website for details and should consult with their executive budget officer if needed.
Internal Services Fund Statements and Narrative Agencies must complete an Internal Service Fund Financial Statement and Narrative for each of the agency’s internal services funds. The Internal Service Fund Financial Statements Instructions and Template are available on the 2024-25 Biennial Budget Instructions webpage.
Agency base budget information will be published to the MMB website on November 30, 2022, except for forecast agencies, which will have their base information published after the release of the November 2022 Forecast in early December. Change item requests for non-executive and constitutional offices will be published with their base budget information.
BPAS is now closed for 2024-25 base budget entry and agency change item requests. Agency users will continue to have access to view the appropriation entry/edit module (base) and change module but will no longer be able to edit the data. The reports and book module will continue to be available for agency users.
Note: The BPAS update on Monday, October 24, was completed successfully. Best practice is to clear browser cache following system updates to ensure the best user experience in BPAS. FAQ
MMB Budget Operations has a number of resources available to assist agencies with using AMA and BPAS.
- A library of training videos is available on MMB's website that provide instruction on all system functions and feature in-system demonstrations.
- The system User Guides and glossaries are excellent resources for new and experienced users. Linked in each system's help menu, the guides are also available on MMB's website
One-on-one assistance with AMA or BPAS is available by appointment. Email to request a time.
Have a question about or a suggestion for improving the budget systems? Email it to Budget Operations at, Subject: Budget Systems Newsletter.