Budget Systems Newsletter

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August 30, 2019

Budget Systems Newsletter

For users of the AMA, BPAS, CBS, and FNTS budget systems.

FNTS Operational Control Moves to Legislative Budget Office

On September 1, MMB transfers operational control of the Fiscal Note Tracking System (FNTS) to the Legislative Budget Office (LBO). Authorized users will continue to access FNTS through the statewide systems administrative portal, and MMB will support and maintain both FNTS and the fiscal note public search site on behalf of the LBO.

Here’s what will change:

  • The LBO will approve access for new users to the system.
  • LBO Coordinator Kathryn Ho at lbo@lbo.leg.mn will be the main contact for FNTS users who have questions about, or need help using FNTS
  • The LBO will assign fiscal notes to affected agencies.
  • LBO Analysts will review and approve fiscal notes prior to submittal to the legislature.

More information about the LBO, including their Uniform Standards and Procedures for fiscal notes, can be found on the LBO website at www.lbo.leg.mn/fn/fiscalnotes/html

FNTS Updates Scheduled

FNTS will be offline the morning of Tuesday, September 3 so that updates to FNTS and the fiscal note public search site can be installed. In addition to updates to align screen colors and formatting with the legislature’s website, the new release will include the following system updates:

  • The banner will have a logout button (see homepage picture below).
  • Consolidated Note Status will display the correct status in all reports.
  • Search Results screen has been modified to make it easier to navigate between the Results list and the selected fiscal note's Status Details.
Fiscal Note Tracking System New Homepage

Administrative Portal Upgrade Coming in December

The State of Minnesota is upgrading its accounting, financial, and procurement IT system, called SWIFT. It’s a limited upgrade to get us on a newer version of the software, but users will experience a fresh look and feel, some enhancements, and improved accessibility. We are not adding new functionality or making major modifications.

Scheduled for go-live December 2019, the project also involves upgrading Self Service and the Administrative Portal. Changes to these areas are mostly cosmetic and limited to the homepage, navigation, and search. The project will not change functions like time entry, payroll, or other employee/personnel functions.

Please read the SWIFT, Self Service, and Administrative Portal website for project updates. If you have questions, contact SWIFT.project@state.mn.us.

Below is a picture of the tiles that users will select to open AMA, BPAS, CBS, DE and FNTS when the upgrade to the Administrative Portal is completed:

New HUB Tiles for Budget Systems

Budget System Authorization Form Changes

The budget systems users authorization form is revised to remove the Fiscal Note Tracking System (FNTS) from the form.  System access for FNTS will be managed by the Legislative Budget Office effective September 1, 2019.

The budget systems user authorization form will continue to be used to grant user access to the Capital Budget System (CBS), Budget Planning & Analysis System (BPAS), and MMB SharePoint site.

Have a question about or a suggestion for improving the budget systems? Email it to Budget Operations at budget.finance.mmb@state.mn.us, Subject: Budget Systems Newsletter.