Budget Systems Newsletter: BPAS 2.0 Project Update

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May 14, 2018

Budget Systems Newsletter

For users of the AMA, BPAS, CBS, and FNTS budget systems.

BPAS 2.0 Project Update

The Budget Planning and Analysis (BPAS) 2.0 project remains on schedule. Developers have completed all system features required for agencies to prepare base budgets and enter change requests.  All reports are finished, including the fiscal reports published in agency budget documents. MMB will make a recommendation to the Statewide Systems Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Steering Committee at its May 24 meeting whether to use BPAS 2.0 for production of the 2020-2021 biennial budget.  For a preview of BPAS 2.0's fiscal report menus, click here.

BPAS 2.0 User Testing Invitation

Agency budget and finance staff who are responsible for entering budget change requests in BPAS are invited to try out the system’s Change module and Fiscal reports. Participants will enter change item narratives, relevant base information and summary change amounts for their agencies, and also run fiscal reports.  Three times are scheduled:

  • Wednesday, June 6 – 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • Thursday, June 7 – 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
  • Thursday, June 7 – 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

The self-paced test sessions will require between 90 minutes and two hours to complete. All sessions will be held in the Columbine Room, ground floor of the Centennial Office Building. To reserve a seat, email budget.finance.mmb@state.mn.us with the Subject Line: BPAS 2.0 Testing and the session you wish to attend.

    AMA Workshops

    Budget Operations will offer two AMA workshops: Wednesday, May 30, from 10:00 AM – Noon and Thursday, May 31, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Agency budget staff can receive one-on-one assistance in setting up new appropriations for 2019 or preparing other AMA transactions. Note: the workshops will not provide instructor led system user training. 

    To reserve a place, email budget.finance.mmb@state.mn.us, include the Subject: AMA Workshops, and indicate which session you will attend. Both workshops will be held in the Columbine Room, located on ground floor of the Centennial Office Building.  Please bring, or have access to, the 2019 appropriation transactions you wish to work on.

    AMA Glossary Update - Fund Balance Classification

    The Appropriation Maintenance Application (AMA) Glossary has updated guidance on fund balance classification codes. When an agency sets up a new appropriation for SWIFT in AMA, the system requires the fund balance classification field to be completed but does not restrict or validate this entry. If you have questions about which code to select, please contact Kim Kildal of Minnesota Management and Budget’s Financial Reporting Unit at 651-201-8150. 

    BPAS User Certification Timeline

    BPAS user certification for the 2020-2021 biennial budget will begin the week of May 29th.  This is the opportunity for Budget Coordinators to add, delete, or change budget system access for their agency’s users.  Below is a list of the timeline and actions needed to successfully set up BPAS users for your agency:

    • Each agency’s Budget Coordinator will be emailed a list of their currently active users and roles the week of May 29th.
    • If there are new users to add, Budget Coordinators must complete the new user budget authorization form.  This form can be used for granting user access to SharePoint, Fiscal Note Tracking System (FNTS), and Capital Budget System (CBS).
    • Budget Coordinators have until Friday, June 8th to certify  current users and add new users by completing the user authorization form.
    • Certified BPAS users will be invited to attend the instructor-led BPAS training sessions in August.

    Budget Coordinators should watch for an email from budget.finance.mmb@state.mn.us the week of May 29th that contains certification instructions, a list of current BPAS users, and the budget authorization form.  

    BPAS User Training Dates

    MMB Budget Operations will be offering instructor-led BPAS user training sessions starting Tuesday, July 31st through Tuesday, August 14th in the Columbine Room of the Centennial Office Building.  Registration for the sessions will be available in Enterprise Learning Management (ELM in Self Service).  Certified BPAS users will receive an email in mid-June; watch your email for an invitation and more details.

    2020-21 Biennial Budget Process and Timeline

    The 2020-21 biennial budget process will be the same as it has been in the past several biennia with MMB issuing instructions and agencies preparing budget information in three stages:

    1. background/budget narrative materials
    2. base/enacted budget data, including forecast adjustments
    3. requests for changes to be included in the Governor’s budget

    Biennial Timeline

    BPAS 2.0 Preview: Fiscal Reports

    Agency Menu Left Hand Navigation

    BPAS 2.0’s Reports menu options include Fiscal reports. These formatted PDF documents are real-time data reports included in the biennial base and governor’s budget document publications. 

    Fiscal Reports Menu; Reports by Agency, Program, and Activity

    There are three different Fiscal reports; each one can be run at the agency, program, or activity level. 

    Program Expenditure Report Filters

    Users will recognize the Expenditure Overview and Financing by Fund reports as current BPAS reports included in agency biennial budget documents. The Change Summary is new. This report summarizes by fund:

    • Total appropriations with itemized base adjustments for direct and open type appropriations,
    • Planned statutory spending for dedicated type appropriations, and
    • Forecast revenues for dedicated and non-dedicated revenue. 

    When run for the governor’s budget, each agency’s report will also list governor-recommended change items.