1. Standard
Administration Period. Complete by December 15, 2017.
The current Standard Measurement
Period will end on October 17, 2017. All boards, commissions, and agencies must
complete their Standard Administrative Period duties by December
15, 2017.
The Look Back Method and Agency Duties provides instructions
on completing the Administrative Period duties and how to obtain the needed
will be available October 23, 2017.
2. ACA
Employee Eligibility Page. Complete by December 15, 2017.
the SEMA4 ACA Employee Eligibility page up-to-date for every employee in your
agency by December 15, 2017.
The page must be completed for new hires, as well as for both full and
part-time employees.
The ACA Employee Eligibility Page Manual provides detailed instructions on how to complete this
page. (The manual was last updated in October 2016, but remains current.)
Accuracy is critical.
This page helps generate the IRS Form 1095-C. The data reported on this form is
given to the employee and reported to the IRS. The IRS uses that data to
determine if an employer will receive a penalty under ESR.
SEGIP staff
will update the page for any employee who did not experience a change in
eligibility during calendar year 2017. We anticipate running this update on
about October 28, 2017.
A note on ESR
penalties: To date the
IRS has not begun issuing employer penalties. Although, there has been talk
that the IRS may begin issuing penalty notices later this year we have heard
nothing definitive from the IRS. Regardless of when penalties are issued, accuracy
is our best defense.
3. Appendix A Instructions. These
instructions have been updated to reflect the 2018 health coverage rates.
Appendix A is a Marketplace (Exchange) worksheet that
individuals use to apply for coverage and a tax credit or cost sharing
- Employees may ask their agency HR department to
help complete this form or they may choose to complete it themselves.
- When an employee has applied for a premium tax
credit the Exchange will issue an Employer Notice to the employing agency.
The Employer Notice will be sent to whatever
address is entered on Appendix A. Be sure to enter the address of the staff
assigned to process an Employer Notice for your agency.
Note that the 2017 health coverage rates will continue to be
posted throughout this calendar year.
4. Employer Notice.This is a reminder that action must be
taken throughout the year when your agency receives one of these Notices.
These notices are issued by MNsure or another public
Marketplace (Exchange). Your agency will receive a Notice when an employee qualifies
for a tax credit (premium tax subsidy) to purchase health coverage through a
This is not notice of a penalty. It is notice that an
employee has qualified for a subsidy and provides the employer time to make an
offer of medical coverage if one is needed. In the future, the IRS may issue a penalty
notice if that employee should have received an offer of health coverage but
one was not made or if the offer was for coverage that did not meet certain
Act immediately when your agency receives a Notice. The Employer Notice instructions are posted on the SEGIP website to help you process
these Notices.
5. Visit the Insurance
Eligibility page on SEGIP’s website. This page contains all the
documents associated with ESR.