A message from Mayor Wiersum

City of Minnetonka

A message from Mayor Wiersum

Dear Minnetonka residents,

Greetings and best wishes. Signs of spring and the beauty of our city are all around us. The arrival of spring and warmer temperatures always inspires joy and optimism, which is especially important as we weather this crisis together.

There is some pretty significant news on the coronavirus front … some sobering and some hopeful. (Visit the state’s website for updated Minnesota stats.) The hopeful news is social distancing is working in our state. Our pace of infections and death is lower than in most other states. The Governor’s “Stay at Home Order,” and the responsible behavior of Minnesotans is literally saving lives. That is good news.

On Wednesday, Governor Walz extended his “Stay at Home Order” through May 3, 2020. The order is essentially unchanged, other than adjustments to the “essential” business list. The CDC has updated its guidelines and now encourages wearing a cloth facemask in public.

This crisis will get harder before it gets easier. Please continue to take this seriously. The encouraging news is responsible behavior can and will make a difference. Social distancing and complying with CDC recommendations will save lives. But we must continue to be diligent; our behavior matters. Governor Walz said it well, “We bought the time we needed … it can all go sideways very quickly if we don’t continue.”

I have one more request. Significant religious holidays and celebrations – Passover, Easter and Ramadan – are upon us. In normal times, these events include religious celebrations and family get-togethers. In 2020 these events need to be commemorated remotely. Let’s celebrate in spirit while we stay at home.

Thank you for your diligence and I wish you health and safety. Be assured, you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Brad Signature

Brad Wiersum
City of Minnetonka

Stay updated

Visit minnetonkamn.gov/coronavirus to sign up for email or text updates and to find information and an abundance of helpful resources for residents and businesses, including ways to help those in need.

Complete the census

Please remember to complete the 2020 census. It’s extremely important that everyone is counted. Visit minnetonkamn.gov/census to learn more, or complete it online at my2020census.gov.