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September 2024
ORHPC Monthly Update
Minnesota Rural Health Award Nominations
Nominations are open for the 2024 Minnesota Rural Health Hero, Team and Lifetime Achievement Awards.
The Minnesota Rural Health Awards are given to individuals and groups who have made a significant contribution to improving rural health in Minnesota. The awards will be announced on National Rural Health Day, Thursday, Nov. 21.
Please think about the folks in your community and across the state who have played an important role in improving rural health and fill out the 2024 Rural Health Awards nomination form and send it to: health.orhpc@state.mn.us by Monday, Sept. 30.
Recap video of 2024 MN Rural Health Conference!
As we start making preparations for the 2025 Minnesota Rural Health Conference, we wanted to share a recap of the 2024 conference video with you.
Mark your calendars now for the 2025 Minnesota Rural Health Conference, scheduled for June 9-10, 2025, in Duluth. We will continue to provide updates about the conference through our newsletter. Please also check out the Minnesota Rural Health Conference website and the Minnesota Rural Health Conference Facebook page.
If you have any questions about the Minnesota Rural Health Conference, please contact conference staff by email (ruralhealthconference@ruralcenter.org) or phone (218-464-6121).
ORHPC survey
The Minnesota Department of Health Office of Rural Health and Primary Care (ORHPC) is conducting an environmental scan to understand the needs of rural Minnesotans. Please respond to the survey which will guide policy planning in the coming years.
Data Corner
September is Healthy Aging Month!
Did you know Minnesota's rural population is aging? It's projected that by 2033, 32% of residents in rural Minnesota counties will be 65 years of age or older. The population of older adults is growing quicker than children 0-14 across all of Minnesota.
The ORHPC has focused workgroups and research on healthy aging in older rural Minnesotans throughout the past few years. Check out these two spotlights from the ORHPC that feature healthy aging with a focus on health and wellness:
Also, a current Rural Health Advisory Committee (RHAC) workgroup is focusing on longevity in older Minnesotans with a specific focus on engaging older rural Minnesotans in work, volunteer activities and other social connections after retirement to enhance physical, mental and social health in this population.
Medical Education and Research Cost (MERC) Grant
The Medical Education & Research Cost (MERC) Grant Program is accepting grant applications for clinical training that took place in Minnesota in fiscal year 2023.
Application materials and deadlines for Minnesota sponsoring institutions, their accredited teaching programs, and clinical training sites can be found on the MERC website.
Questions regarding this grant may be emailed to: health.merc@state.mn.us.
Site-Based Clinical Training (SBCT) Grant
The Site-Based Clinical Training Grant Program is accepting grant applications for clinical training that took place in Minnesota in fiscal year 2023. The Site-Based Clinical Training Grant program provides funding to clinical training sites in Minnesota that meet additional eligibility criteria as outlined in Minnesota Statutes 144.1508.
Due to the close alignment with the MERC grant, the Site-Based Clinical Training Grant will follow the same timeline and can be applied for through the MERC Online Portal. Please see the SBCT Grant webpage for more information.
Questions regarding this grant may be emailed to: ClinicalTraining.MDH@state.mn.us.
2025 - 2026 Indian Health Grant
The Indian Health Grant provides funding for Tribal Nations and nonprofit entities to provide clinical health services, including culturally informed preventive, medical, dental, and/or mental health care services, for American Indians who live off reservations.
Application deadline: 4:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 7
Rural Primary Care Residency Training Grant Program
The Rural Primary Care Residency Training Grant Program awards grants to eligible programs to plan, implement, and sustain rural primary care residency training programs.
Institutions of Higher Education
Letter of intent to apply deadline: 4:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 20
Application deadline: 4:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 8
Minnesota Health Care Loan Forgiveness for Hospital Nurses
The Minnesota Office of Rural Health and Primary Care grants loan forgiveness to various health care professionals serving in high-need areas. This program is offered to registered nurses working in direct patient care in Minnesota nonprofit hospitals and Minnesota public hospitals.
Application deadline: Oct. 6
Rural Health Clinic Webinar
Please join ORHPC’s Rural Health Clinic (RHC) focused webinar on Oct. 9, at 12:00 p.m. This is the fourth webinar in our RHC series for clinic managers and leadership. September’s presentation will focus on emergency preparedness requirements for RHCs and resources that can support you in developing or updating your facility’s emergency preparedness plan. Presenters include the Northwest Healthcare Coalition and MDH’s Emergency Preparedness and Response division.
To register please email sarah.grafstrom@state.mn.us
ECHO series on long COVID
The Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) partnered with Stratis Health & the Minnesota Department of Health Long COVID Guiding Council on a three-part ECHO series focusing on recognizing, managing and treating long COVID. Sessions are available to watch on demand: Long COVID ECHO session series
Session 1: Recognizing Long COVID
Session 2: Long COVID in Pediatric + Geriatric Populations
Session 3: Treatment & Management Options for Long COVID + Equity Considerations
Health care provider and staff research opportunity
Help design Minnesota’s new Paid Leave program!
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is partnering with New America Foundation, a national non-profit, to design an efficient and easy process for verifying medical need on paid leave claims for both claimants and providers.
We are looking for staff at Minnesota practices who have experience with supporting patients who need provider-signed forms (e.g. FMLA) for a virtual interview of no more than one hour. You will be compensated for your time and expertise with an $80 Visa gift card, provided by New America Foundation.
During these interviews, we will seek to learn:
•Current processes, promising practices, and pain points.
•What technology or systems are involved in these processes.
•How these processes may differ across different types of medical practices.
•What patient groups may face the greatest barriers to getting their certification completed and why.
We are especially interested in connecting with rural providers as well as health professionals who prioritize care for Native American, uninsured, and underinsured populations.
•Virtual interviews will happen in August and September 2024.
•Note: Submission of interest does not guarantee participation or make participation obligatory.
We will use what we learn to inform the design of the medical certification process of Minnesota’s Paid Leave program. You can learn more about Minnesota Paid Leave at https://paidleave.mn.gov/.
Your privacy: Your name and personal information will be anonymized and used only for scheduling. The aggregated feedback from all participants will be shared with the Minnesota Paid Leave team. What we learn from the experience may be shared publicly, but without names or any information that would identify you.
NOSORH Grant Writing Institute
Back by popular demand, the NOSORH Rural Health Grant Writing Institute will return in the Fall of 2024! This program is designed to equip grant writers in rural areas with essential skills and strategies. Led by experienced instructor Teryl Eisinger, who brings over 25 years of grant writing expertise, the Institute promises to be an invaluable resource. Virtual learning sessions will be held Mondays from 3:00-4:30 pm ET, starting October 21 and running through December 16, 2024. Stay tuned for more information on how to register and take advantage of this opportunity to advance your grant writing capabilities! For questions, contact Beth Kolf at bethk@nosorh.org.
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National Rural Health Day
Thursday, Nov. 21
Check out the 2024 National Rural Health Day Promotional Toolkit. This resource includes a PowerPoint template, social media graphics, activity sheets, and more. With pre-populated social posts, sharing the day on social media channels is easy.
As November nears, let NOSORH know of any Rural Health Day events you are planning. NOSORH is looking to post events on their social media channels.
Learn more at powerofrural.org or reach out to info@powerofrural.org
Rural Health Clinical Congress Fall 2024
The RME Collaborative invites you to attend the Rural Health Clinical Congress Fall 2024 on Saturday, Nov. 23! This free, multi-topic, interactive CME/CE conference is designed for clinicians serving patients from rural and underserved areas. The live broadcast starts at 9:00 am ET and offers a unique opportunity to earn FREE CME/CE credits, including pharmacology credits for nurses.
Why Attend?
Diverse Topics: Sessions will cover a range of important health issues, including asthma, atopic dermatitis, nasal polyps, Alzheimer’s Disease, and more.
Expert Insights: Learn evidence-based recommendations from expert faculty.
Interactive Experience: Participate in live polls and ask questions in real time to gain practical insights tailored to the unique needs of patients in rural and underserved areas.
Visit rhcc2024.com to register and view accreditation information. For questions, please contact RME Collaborative at cme@ruralhealthcme.com or 800-913-9370.
Financial Performance of Rural and Urban Hospitals in the Medicare Shared Savings Program, Iowa RUPRI Center for Rural Health Poliscy, Sept. 2024
Palliative Care Challenges and Solutions in Rural U.S. Communities, University of Washington Rural Health Research Center, Sept. 2024.
Rural-urban differences in midwifery care during childbirth in the US, University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center, July 2024
The Office of Rural Health and Primary Care (ORHPC) promotes access to quality health care for all Minnesotans. We work as partners with policymakers, providers, and rural and underserved urban communities to ensure a continuum of core health services throughout the state.