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May 2024
Update Index
Registration open for 2024 Minnesota Rural Health Conference!
Register for the 2024 Minnesota Rural Health Conference, June 17-18, and join us at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center for two days of learning and networking. For more information about the conference, please email:, or call 218-464-6121.
Note to Minnesota Critical Access Hospitals (CAH): Attend the conference and stay for the CAH workshop
One representative from each Minnesota Critical Access Hospital (CAH) is eligible to receive a total of up to $529 in reimbursement from the Minnesota Department of Health Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, to attend the MN Rural Heath Conference.
There is also a workshop for CAHs and their board members immediately after this year's rural health conference on Tuesday, June 18 from 1pm - 3pm. This workshop will focus on developing essential skills to effectively communicate key concepts such as health equity, quality improvement- and value-based models to CAH staff and community. You must register for this event ahead of time. Please contact Alexis Foster at Rural Health Innovations with any questions.
Critical Access Hospital Board training this summer: Leadership and engagement on population health topics
This summer, the Flex Program is funding a 2024 Minnesota Critical Access Hospital Board and Leadership Training on Engagement, Leadership, and Population Health Training for CAH (CAH) Boards to increase engagement and leadership on population health topics.
Eligible participants for this training event will represent CAH CEO’s, board of directors and governing boards. Participants will receive access to pre-recorded webinars and discussion guides will be available for all CAHS:
- Webinar 1: Overview of Population Health for CAH Leaders and Rural Communities
- Webinar 2: How to Approach Health Equity and Implicit Bias in CAHs
- Webinar 3: Quality and Data in Population Health
- Webinar 4: Financial and Operational Benefits of Population Health
The project will also offer a Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Peer Sharing Call to be held Wednesday, June 5, from 12m – 1pm, facilitated by Sally Buck, CEO, National Rural Health Resource Center. Registration is required. Please contact Alexis Foster at Rural Health Innovations with any questions.
First All-Minnesota Rural Family Residency Program Accredited
Press Release: The University of Minnesota/CentraCare Willmar Rural Family Medicine Residency program recently announced that they received the ACGME* accreditation and Rural Track Program (RTP) designation. This is the first Minnesota ACGME Rural Training Program with all of the training taking place in Minnesota to receive accreditation. The program will have two residents per year for a total of six residents. It will participate in the 2024-2025 application and interview season with the first cohort of residents expected to start in July 2025.
The planning and development of the Willmar program was supported through funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Rural Residency Planning and Development grant in collaboration with the MDH Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, University of Minnesota, and CentraCare Health System. This is a tremendous milestone both for the program and the state of Minnesota in its effort to increase rural clinical training throughout Minnesota.
* Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
MN Safe Drinking Water Week
Governor Walz proclaims May 5 - 11 as Safe Drinking Water Week. Minnesotans rely on safe drinking water from public water systems in their homes, schools, and workplaces. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is the state authority for drinking water. Several programs at MDH work together to ensure safe and adequate drinking water. For more information, please view the Drinking Water Information for Consumers web page.
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REOPENED: Pediatric Primary Care Mental Health Training Grant Program
The Pediatric Primary Care Mental Health Training Grant Program awards grants for the development of pediatric mental health training programs that are located in outpatient primary care clinics. The training programs are designed to increase confidence, skills, and awareness of mental health resources among pediatric primary care providers caring for the mental health needs of pediatric patients. You may view the Youtube informational webinar. Applications are due by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, May 22. If you have additional questions, please contact
REMINDER: International Medical Graduates (IMG) Residency Preparation - BRIIDGE
The International Medical Graduates (IMG) Residency Preparation - BRIIDGE application is due by 11:59 pm on Monday, May 20. The University of Minnesota, in partnership with Minnesota Department of Health, will again offer a residency preparatory program for international medical graduates (IMGs). This nine-month program consists of inpatient and outpatient training opportunities as well as community and classroom-based components to optimally prepare participants to match into and succeed in residency programs. Participants will be selected through a competitive application.
REMINDER: Rural and Underserved Clinical Rotations grants
The Rural and Underserved Clinical Rotations grant program will award health professional training site grants to eligible physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, pharmacy, dentistry, dental therapy and mental health professional programs. The goal of this grant is to augment existing clinical training programs by adding rural and underserved rotations or clinical training experiences, such as credential or certificate rural tracks or other specialized training. For physician and dentist training, the expanded training must include rotations in primary care settings such as community clinics, hospitals, health maintenance organizations, or practices in rural communities. You may view the Youtube informational webinar. Applications are due by 4:30 pm on Friday, May 31. For more information, please contact:
REMINDER: Health Care Workplace Safety grants
The Health Care Workplace Safety grants will award grants to increase safety measures in health care settings and establish or expand programs to train staff in health care settings on de-escalation and positive support services. The program is focused on preventing workplace violence. The overarching goal of the Workplace Safety Grants for Health Care Entities program is to make long-term improvements in safety and stability for staff and patients in health care settings. You may view the Youtube informational webinar. Applications are due on by 4:30 pm, on Friday, June 7. For more information, please contact:
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Rural AI/Governance research project
Participate in a project focused on understanding how rural hospitals, Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) and other safety net organizations might be thinking about artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive models.
Short interviews (30-45 minutes) will be conducted to discuss your biggest challenges, priorities, and policy needs related to these technologies. The goal of the project is to incorporate these perspectives into policymaking. No prior use of AI or AI expertise is required to participate. The project is interested in understanding the current state at your organization even if you have never used AI tools. Anyone with knowledge of your hospital or clinic’s approach to decision-making or governance of health IT is eligible to participate, including but not limited to: CEO, COO, CMO, CMIO or IT Director, Director of Nursing, Chief Data Analytics Officer, or similar positions.
This project is run by Paige Nong at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. Please email her at with any questions you might have or to participate.
Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model
Minnesota's Medicaid program wants to know your ideas on how to improve the physical, mental, emotional and social needs of pregnant and birthing people enrolled in Medaid. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model gives the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) an opportunity to apply for up to $17 million dollars over 10 years to invest in innovative approaches to improving maternal health care services.
DHS will be holding listening sessions to gather community input on the state of maternal health in Minnesota. The feedback received and priorities identified by the community will be used by DHS to submit a proposal for the Transforming Maternal Health model this summer. A complete schedule of listening sessions is attached to this email. Following are the dates and times for two of the sessions:
- Rural health providers can join the DHS Listening Session for Rural Health Providers on Monday, June 3, 11:00am – 12:30pm. Please register for the meeting.
Hospitals, health systems, federally qualified health centers, and Integrated health partnerships can join Friday, June 14, 9:00am – 10:30am. Please register for the meeting.
Free Dental Care
The Minnesota Dental Association and the Minnesota Dental Foundation, along with their signature sponsor, Delta Dental of Minnesota Foundation, have announced another Minnesota Mission of Mercy (MnMOM) event . The MnMOM is a community service project focused on providing free dental services to patients facing insurmountable barriers to care. This year, children and adults who show up for care and do not have a medical compromising condition will receive free dental care Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8, at the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center (DECC), 350 Harbor Drive, Duluth, MN 55802. Doors open at 5:30am and services are provided on a "first come, first served" basis. If you have any further questions, please email
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Intimate partner violence in rural communities: Perspectives from key informant interviews, University of Minnesota Rural Health Resource Center, March 2024.
New analysis offers policy solutions for intensive care crisis in rural America, Medial Press, March 2024
Research project that found elevated food insecurity levels in Stevens County expands to a five-county region, MinnPost, April 2024.
Rural communities face primary care physician shortage, Daily Yonder, April 2024.
Telehealth in rural fire departments could help address healthcare challenges, WSU Insider, March 2024.
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2024 Minnesota Rural Health Conference will be held June 17-18 at the DECC in Duluth.

Many Faces Conference will be held October 3-4 at the Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center.
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