April local agency call minutes
Review the WIC Local Agency Conference Call (PDF) - April 17 minutes.
Reminder: Opportunity to provide your feedback related to weight stigma among WIC participants
We are still looking for a few more staff to participate in our study with the University of Minnesota to help prevent weight stigma among our participants. We want to hear your perceptions of weight stigma as an issue among our participants and challenges and strengths our agencies have in preventing weight stigma. Your feedback will be used to develop professional trainings and identify any needed changes to our agency environment and participant-facing materials. If you are interested, complete this Qualtrics Survey to schedule a zoom interview. Interviews will last 60-75 minutes and will occur outside of working hours. Participants will receive a $50 gift card for their time.
Register now for 2024 state-sponsored lactation courses
The Minnesota WIC program offers continuing education courses at no cost for WIC staff to increase their knowledge of various lactation topics.
Spaces are limited. Registration closes 2 weeks before the course date. Register early as courses are filling up: MWR OA Grant-Funded Breastfeeding Trainings
There are openings following trainings:
- Live virtual USDA Breastfeeding Training hosted by the Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition
- With a live in person DBE workday August 15!
- Love in the Margins
- Exclusive Pumping
- Certified Lactation Specialist (CLS)
- Parental and Infant Health during Lactation
- IBCLC Exam Prep for Lactation Professionals
- DBE Workshop
Note: The LCE Course, Book groups, Ethics, Peer Case Study Day and HUG Your Baby are NOT available for Minnesota WIC staff.
- Supervisors: If someone from your agency is no longer able to attend a training (schedule change, left the agency, etc.) please email Rosie.Pierce-Martin@state.mn.us so we can fill the open spot.
For information on available courses and registration visit the MWR OA Grant-Funded Breastfeeding Trainings website.
We're celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. Since the opening of the first clinic in 1974, WIC has been committed to improving maternal and child outcomes.
The April WIC 50th Anniversary Partner Toolkit (PDF) is ready and includes a WIC Diversity and Equity video, social media graphics, and sample social media post language.
Check out the WIC 50th Anniversary webpage for additional resources.
Local agency staff should talk to their supervisor for approval before registering for training.
Register today for: “Improving the Health of WIC Participants through the Nutrition Assessment: Enhancing Nutrition Assessment Skills”
Webinar Date: Friday, June 21: 8:30- 10 a.m.
Description: Building off our previous webinar, Improving the Health of WIC Participants through the Nutrition Assessment: Practical Applications, this presentation is a deep dive into elevating CPA proficiency in conducting comprehensive nutrition assessments. Our speaker, Melissa Nelson, will continue to explore the intricacies of the nutrition assessment, equipping staff with the knowledge and tools necessary to perform nutrition assessments that ensure the highest quality of care for WIC participants.
- Tailor nutrition assessment questions to the unique needs of each participant.
- Identify when and how to appropriately discuss growth with participants.
- Use the nutrition assessment to gain an understanding of a participant’s typical eating behaviors and patterns.
- Effectively use tools available to conduct quality nutrition assessments.
Register: Improving the Health of WIC Participants through the Nutrition Assessment: Enhancing Nutrition Assessment Skills
NOTE: You may need to enable cookies to reach the Microsoft Teams Webinar registration link. If it doesn’t work in your primary browser, please try another (Foxfire, Edge, or Chrome).
Save the date! 2024 National Maternal Nutrition Intensive Course
Registration for the 2024 National Maternal Nutrition Intensive Course (MNIC) will begin in May. The course will continue to have the live virtual option, as well as an online, self-paced option.
Live Program: July 30-31 (In-person or live via Zoom)
Fully Online Distance Program: Sept. 1- Dec. 31 (Online self-paced recorded presentations)
This continuing education program focuses on the improvement of maternal and infant health through the delivery of risk-appropriate high-quality nutrition services. The program is designed for dietitians, nutritionists, certified nurse midwives, registered nurses and nurse practitioners, physicians and public health professionals who serve preconceptual, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, children, and families.
For questions contact: School of Public Health Continuing Education cpheo@umn.edu
The Week Ahead
Check out upcoming trainings and meetings: Local Agency WIC Calendar
Find new job opportunities on the WIC Job Postings webpage. This week's jobs include:
- Sherburne County Health and Human Services WIC Supervisor
Submit job postings using the WIC Job Postings survey.