Updates to MOM Section 4 and 6
The following sections and exhibits have been updated in the Minnesota Operations Manual.
Exhibit 4-K: Staffing Roles Grid for Nutrition Services (PDF): Content was updated to match recent current staffing policies. Updated staffing qualifications for Breastfeeding Coordinator to match Section 4.4: Breastfeeding Coordinator.
Section 6.6: High Risk Individual Nutrition Care Plans (PDF):
- High Risk Criteria Section:
- Staff must discuss a medical referral with the participant before sending to a Health Care Provider. A participant may decline a referral.
- Added note about resolving High Risk designation.
- Providing High Risk Follow-up Section:
- Emphasized the need for follow up to be determined based on the individual participant’s condition and needs and the CPA’s professional discretion.
- Clarified that the method of follow-up (in person or remote) should be based on the high risk indicators and the CPA’s discretion on how to best manage or resolve the high risk condition.
- Added high risk follow-up examples (including breastfeeding follow-up example).
- Resolving High Risk Designation Section:
- Specified circumstances which may be appropriate to resolve high risk designation.
- Added examples of risk codes that may potentially be resolved based on the circumstance.
- Added note about medical referrals.
- Added subsection that includes instructions for resolving the high risk designation in the Information System.
- Added breastfeeding examples in:
- Policy goals
- High Risk follow-up
Section 6.9: Nutrition Education Materials (PDF):
- Better describes the role of state office in developing and evaluating educational materials for use by local agencies.
- Better describes expectations for local agency developed materials.
- Provides current recommendations for developing and evaluating nutrition education materials in the guidance section of this policy.
Correction to Exhibit 6-A: High Risk and Medical Referral Criteria (PDF) for Risk Code 113 Obese (Children 2-5 years). Criteria was corrected to child is > 95% BMI-for-age or has gained > 5 pounds in the past 6 months.
Removed outdated exhibits: Exhibit 6-D1- cover and Exhibit 6D2 - Guide to Evaluating Written Nutrition Education Materials (Pertinent information has been incorporated into updated Section 6.9: Nutrition Education Materials)
March local agency call minutes
Review the WIC Local Agency Conference Call (PDF)- March 20, 2024, minutes.
Last chance to apply for lactation focused funding opportunities!
Applications close today for two additional funding opportunities for lactation-focused work in local WIC agencies. Each is offering up to $5,000 towards lactation related work this year.
Promoting equity in lactation- funding for projects to strengthen partnerships with the community while promoting WIC lactation services.
Coffective Community Partnership Collaborative - get support implementing a new lactation-related project or accelerating an existing project.
Important dates:
- Both applications are due March 27.
- Projects must be completed by September 30.
Funding is pending and dependent on the federal budget. Applicants will be updated on any funding changes before projects start.
For more information and how to apply refer to: Additional Funding for Local WIC Agencies
Questions? Contact Rosie Pierce-Martin, 651-201-4428, Rosie.Pierce-Martin@state.mn.us.
Resources to support weight inclusive care
WIC added or updated several resources on the WIC website for local agency reference. Learn more about the updates: Resources to Support Weight Inclusive Care (PDF)
Local agency staff should talk to their supervisor for approval before registering for training.
Register today for: “Improving the Health of WIC Participants through the Nutrition Assessment: Practical Applications”
Webinar Date: Monday, April 29: 8:30-10 a.m.
Description: Our speaker, Melissa Nelson, will discuss the valuable role accurate and thorough nutrition assessments play in empowering WIC staff to fulfill the mission of the WIC program to improve the health and well-being of women, infants, and children by addressing their nutritional needs comprehensively and proactively. Attendees will gain valuable insights into using efficient assessment techniques, tailoring assessment questions to meet the unique needs of each participant, and effectively using the tools available. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and make a meaningful impact in the lives of the participants you serve!
- Describe the purpose of the WIC nutrition assessment and its significance.
- Explain how to use open ended questions to thoughtfully conduct a strength-based nutrition assessment.
- Effectively use tools available to conduct quality nutrition assessments.
- Understand how the nutrition assessment tools help set the stage for the assessment, assure a weight inclusive approach, and assess for food insecurity.
- Combine information gathered in the nutrition assessment to develop a plan for nutrition education and referrals.
Improving the Health of WIC Participants through the Nutrition Assessment: Practical Applications
NOTE: You may need to enable cookies to reach the registration link. If it doesn’t work in your primary browser, please try another (Foxfire, Edge, or Chrome).
The Week Ahead
Check out upcoming trainings and meetings: Local Agency WIC Calendar
Find new job opportunities on the WIC Job Postings webpage. This week includes:
- Olmsted County Public Health WIC Program Nutrition Assistant
- Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health WIC Lead Breastfeeding Counselor
Submit job postings using the WIC Job Postings survey.