In line with the new CDC recommendations for COVID-19 vaccine, MIIC staff are reviewing the MIIC forecaster logic that defines when clients are due or overdue for vaccine. Please continue to use clinical judgement and the CDC Interim Clinical Considerations: Use of COVID-19 Vaccines in the United States to inform decisions for immunization.
Now that monovalent COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized, providers must dispose of all monovalent mRNA vaccines as medical waste and report them as nonviable in MIIC. Refer to Reporting Nonviable MDH Vaccine to MIIC for further details and guidance. Please ensure that all previously wasted vaccine has been properly recorded in MIIC.
Moderna is hosting interactive office hours to provide details on the most recent bivalent EUA authorization. Content will include simplified dosing schedules, ACIP recommendations, storage and handling, and live Q&A. Register at Regional Medical Affairs Office Hours: Revised Dosing Schedules for Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine, Bivalent.